you should worry about it! If you put it on ebay without picture, nobody bid on your sk2 for keep real.. they demand to see what it look like now. they make sure if you are not con-artist.. One time my friend did put his sk2 on ebay, somehow i met him in person somewhere, he show me sk2 looks more worn-out and screen had million scatches..I was like wow what he rip off people..he said, "he just wanted to sell it on ebay to get new another sk, thats simple".. Good thing that i aint buy it from the rip off man! Ah interesting! You are compliant about my item is so expensive price and got three sks?? I believe that you are so jealous of me what I possessed those sidekicks.. You expect that I pity deaf people, and they want me give them discounst or cheaper price, due they are on ssi issues.. Oh heck NO! ... it seem me that you selling cheaper sk2 to drug or lowlife people and get small amounts from them. because you are vauleless/ cheap person those peope know already.. oh man, I can't imagine that if i selling my expensive camera slr to deaf peopel for cheaper price like 200 buck or something offer,... HECK NO! Interesting..well it is my decision, not yours!! and dont even ask me stupid question " why you have three sidekick??" because you acts like child kid to ask adult people "why you have three cars?". you are not cool to me.. dont worry me or my things, you worry your things and move on your things.. peace!
** I am sorry if i ruin your thread** so better let you and people back on this topic of item you sell and offer!