Should deaf children experienced hearing school?

Should a deaf child experienced a hearing school at least once in their life?

  • Yes, For Sure

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • No Way

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Don't Know

    Votes: 1 11.1%

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SJCSue said:
I teased a lot by the other kids. I was the only deaf/hoh student until I got into high school.

I think every deaf/HOH person went through teasing through grade school and high school. Yes, it's not fair that we got teased but honestly it is a fact of life. We are different and they dont know how to handle it. Yes we dont deserve it but we are better people because of it. We know how to handle these situations where they dont.
Yes, it's not fair that we got teased but honestly it is a fact of life. We are different and they dont know how to handle it. Yes we dont deserve it but we are better people because of it.
true.....but i mean I don't think most kids get's more the attitude that we have to deal with, if that makes any sense. Like there's the attitude that hoh kids should learn to asslimuate into the hearing world, and don't need the benifits of the deaf world. I really honestly think that ALL deaf and hard of hearing kids should have it put into their IEP that they should go to the nearest regional day program or deaf school for some socialization once or twice a week! And then there's the "sped kids are going to spend their lives on SSI" mentality that is so prevailent in (mainstream) sped programs!
There too is the Stepford snobs attitude too. I went to a school where I wasn't teased outright....but I also didn't feel like I fit in totally b/c it was a VERY Stepford atmospere! (and in our suburbs that type of attitude is almost a given!)
My son is HOH and studying in hearing school in INDIA since last nine years but we parents are fully involved in his studies.Mother is going almost everyday to school and meet his classmates / teachers before start of classes.I am taking care of his home study.With the help of hearing aid and taking such care,he is capable of speaking local language and also to some extend english.He is doing well in school.But it is true that number of occasion he is being illtreated by classmates and sometimes by teachers also.We have full support of school Principal. :wave:
nandal...does your son also have exposure to other kids like him? Be sure he has social contacts in the deaf thing that many parents accidently do is think "Oh they are doing OK in the hearing world and don't need deaf schooling or exposure to Sign and dhh peers. Expose him to that, but be sure his exposure is balanced!
Before anyone can make any decision, they should know about the school system and their Deaf Education program. My local school district always talks to parents about their success rate, how well the kids do, etc. Well, a good friend of mine was an interpreter at the school system and I asked her for her honest opinion on their Deaf Education. She told me she actually thought it was horrible. The deaf kids weren't really being mainstreamed - they were at the same school as hearing kids, but were almost entirely separated from the hearings kids in classrooms. She told me in the high school, none of the deaf kids were actually in any classes with hearing students. The bottom line was that the school district would have lost money if the deaf kids went to a deaf school.

I have spoken to several people who started in the mainstream program and then transferred to the deaf school. The only thing they missed about the local school was their friends. They felt they learned so much more at a deaf school than the local public school.

So I would defintely urge a parent of a deaf child to really look into the Deaf Education program at their local school. Don't simply accept what the schools tell them. Really investigate and find out what the truth really is.

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