Oh and faire joure, you are taking our comments as a personal attack on your parenting style. We are not attacking you. We simply think that a lot of your worries that Miss Kat may not develop fluent oral abilty/skills/language has gotten you REALLY concerned, so you lash out at us. It's OK! You know your issues and concerns are NOT NEW! OUR PARENTS went through that TOO!!!! That's basicly a HUGE downside of oral only....b/c a lot of kids going through the formal oral deaf system have significent spoken language issues. That in turn causes really significent anxiety issues for the parent. "will my child "catch up?" Miss Kat may never have totally fluent oral language but then again, many orally trained kids do not have fluent "native like" oral language (they still have delays simlair to what a lot of hoh kids still have)
rick....HUH? Simply mentioning that a lot of the kids she sees have significent issues using their CIs is NOT being anti CI. She's at a Deaf School, which tends to be "last resort placement" , so of course she would see a lot of kids who weren't good implant users. Accusing her of being anti CI, would be like accusing a Deaf School teacher from the 30's/ 40's/50's about being anti HA but they saw a lot of kids who weren't good HA users.