

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2011
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Got my 1st ever electric razor. It did a good job, but I could feel rash burn afterwards. It is capable of wet/dry shaving, I perfer the dry (non-shower). Anyone have suggestions for pre-elec shave besides shaving creme/foam? have a fav lotion? oil? something not messy. Please share your thoughts. Thanks.

PS: I used to shave in shower w/ twin/triple razors. I used hair conditioner as a pre-shave. Worked perfect. But, hoping for elec shaver tips.
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When I first started shaving my legs (40+ years ago) I used an electric shaver and used a mens pre-shave lotion. I can't remember which one it was.

Now, if I use anything, it's wet wipes.
I am looking for something a smidge less painful than that! :D

Thank you! I got that down on my next shopping list.

@Sono- thanks for the vote on Williams Lectric Shave.
Oh what's a little ouchy here and there:laugh2:
No I'm not a fan of litter boxes

I do like dirty stuff though.