My father was hoh, but that was caused by scarlet fever during the Korean War. I was born with a calcium deposit that was wrapped around eardrum in right ear. Over the years, the ear drum became deformed as a result. Nothing left of it now. I gave myself nerve damage in my left ear at age 10, but over the years it got worse. the doctors found that the problem with my right ear repeated itself in the left ear.
Now, son (14) is having hearing problems, but his is due to numerous middle and inner ear infections. 17 in left ear and 23 in right ear. Daughter (15) was oversized at birth and her left ear did not form properly. She can hear even the slightest sound, but it is "fuzzy". Her word. She has speech problems due to birth related issues and "lax" muscles in her face and neck.
Nothing was hereditary and still is not considered to be. Kids don't plan on ever having kids, but we will see.