Senator Barbara Boxer quote "Terrorism is a result of this war"

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Oct 28, 2004
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Has she forgotten 9/11? The first World Trade Center Bombing?
Now the Dems will say she meant that terrorism has INCREASED since the start of this war. But that is NOT what she said. You see they would LOVE to be able to blame TERRORISM on GW and the Republicans. Fortunately, Americans aren't the mindless, helpless, drones that they would like us to be. WE KNOW BETTER!!
This is the reason why hillary or any other democrat wontl be elected to the white house in 08. Plus this is the reason why more democrats will lose their seats in november 06. But Barbara Boxer isnt worried a damn bit about it cause your votes dont count in california or in masseschutes.Elections are decided by the beaucrats both in california and in masseschutes. Beaucrats decide who gets in your county council,Beaucrats decide who gets in you local schoolboards, Beaucrats decide who gonna be your county executive, Beaucrats decide who gonna be your mayor, Beaucrats decide who gets in your city senate,Beaucrats decide who gonna be your Governor,Beaucrats decide who gonna be your state senators,Beaucrats decide who gonna hold the presidents electoral votes.So your vote doesnt mean crap in california or in masseschutes.So both barbra boxer and ted kennedy dont care what they say on televison because theyre protected by the beaucrats.

Quote: "Terrorism is a result of this war"
RS, you are missing the point of her statement.

Granted she said the statement,

"Terrorism is a result of this war,''

The very point of her statement,

The mission, she said, should be security for Iraqis by Iraqis.

If you will see why Boxer backed up her statement with that quote,

She cited the latest American soldier death count of 1,749, 13,336 wounded and at least 8,000 dead Iraqis as proof positive that a clear mission and foreign policy shift are in order.

I feel she is correct, the Americans should basically step aside and allow for the Iraqis to defend themselves.
But you liberals have forgoten 9-11.This is what this war is about. WAR ON TERRORISM!! Al Queda should have thought twiced before ramming those planes on the WTC.
There are terrorists today than before 9/11. Bushes shoot first ask questions later policies are not sitting well with Arabs, and they're starting to see the logic in fundamentalist Islam and its hatred of western civilization. We are just feeding the fire. And we as American aren't mindless drones? I'm not even going to touch that.

This war has nothing to do with terrorism. Believe all the rhetoric you want. But there was no Iraqi connection with Al Quaeda. This has been proven time and time again. Even the Bush administration has sheepishly admitted this.
cental34 said:
There are terrorists today than before 9/11. Bushes shoot first ask questions later policies are not sitting well with Arabs, and they're starting to see the logic in fundamentalist Islam and its hatred of western civilization. We are just feeding the fire. And we as American aren't mindless drones? I'm not even going to touch that.

This war has nothing to do with terrorism. Believe all the rhetoric you want. But there was no Iraqi connection with Al Quaeda. This has been proven time and time again. Even the Bush administration has sheepishly admitted this.

Well What was FDR was about when japs attacked peral harbor? So is it FDRs shoot first ask questions later policies?Huh???
Raven chill out ur gonna get a heart attack if u keep ranting like this remember ur doctors orders NO STRESS..

( sorry for the off topic BUT he is heading for a heart attack and i sure as hell don't want AllDeaf to be blamed for this sure he brought this on himself but still he needs to chill out)
Well a debate is a debate.We cant be afraid we all might die in a stress related death.Its Like what bush told us to do after 9-11. Go out live your life go buy a jacket or anything you want dont let terrorists keep you inside with doors locked cause thats exactly al queda wants you to do. Cause if youre afraid to go out to enjoy life the terrorist win.
Steve, we knew who was responsible for attacking Pearl Harbor. Japan immediately claimed responsibility, we knew it was their planes, and they even had officials in Washington DC at the time discussing matters with our government. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. End of story.
ravensteve1961 said:
Well a debate is a debate.

In order to debate, one needs to do the following things.

1.Agree to disagree
2.Respect other people's perspectives without stooping to personal insults
3.Be open to constructive criticism and learn from it.
4.Realise that there are three sides to the debate. (Person A's side, Person B's side and the truth.)
5. Learn not to read between the lines.
6. Get your facts straight.
7. Provide your sources **Authenic ones!!**
8. Use links
9. Do not derail just to prove your point.
10. The best of it all... Be a gentleman and ignore the baitings!!!
* sorry for off topic* Cookie that's exactly what i agree on and most of all to chill out mostly and be calm instead of ranting at the person's point of views after all, life is short but don't take EVERYTHING so damn serious because the more we argue the more we will not have a agree to disagree. this is unhealthy. at the least i can agree to disagree with poeple and leave it at that.
cental34 said:
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. End of story.

I have told him that many times before in the past, He never gets it. :shock:
We all saw the twin towers rammed by 747s And the F.B.I had videos on the terrorist entering the terminal. So Afgranstain,Iran,Iraq and saudi arabia all had something to do with it. So you liberals have forgoten about 9-11 its all about getting back in power and in majority for bashing the president. Did the republicans ever bash FDR about attacking germany? Did hollywood celebrites ever bash FDR how a peaceful loving nation like germany was back in 1944? NO!! So why do it today? Answer=Its liberalism.
ravensteve1961 said:
We all saw the twin towers rammed by 747s And the F.B.I had videos on the terrorist entering the terminal. So Afgranstain,Iran,Iraq and saudi arabia all had something to do with it. So you liberals have forgoten about 9-11 its all about getting back in power and in majority for bashing the president. Did the republicans ever bash FDR about attacking germany? Did hollywood celebrites ever bash FDR how a peaceful loving nation like germany was back in 1944? NO!! So why do it today? Answer=Its liberalism.

Dear Steve,

Please shut up. You're giving me a headache.
Pvt. Parts said:
Dear Steve,

Please shut up. You're giving me a headache.
Here Take Tylenol
ravensteve1961 said:
We all saw the twin towers rammed by 747s And the F.B.I had videos on the terrorist entering the terminal. So Afgranstain,Iran,Iraq and saudi arabia all had something to do with it. So you liberals have forgoten about 9-11 its all about getting back in power and in majority for bashing the president. Did the republicans ever bash FDR about attacking germany? Did hollywood celebrites ever bash FDR how a peaceful loving nation like germany was back in 1944? NO!! So why do it today? Answer=Its liberalism.

No Liberals didn't forget. They're just keeping a level head instead of waging a careless, irrelavant war. Back in 1944, the whole Nation was behind the war, because that was a just cause. Germany was invading all of Europe, Germany had declared war on us. Iraq did not attack us. Iraq did not invade another country. Iraq did not even threaten us. Liberalism has nothing to do with anything, nor conservatism, stop trying to use political labels as an excuse. It has to do with people willing to take a stand against something they feel is unjust and unnecessary.

Just because 1 person from Iraq was a 9/11 hijacker, does not mean the Saddaam Hussein's government was involved. If you're going by that logic, then Saudi Arabia is guilty, and UH OH! They're good friends of the Bush family. And how can we forget about 9/11? With this irrelevant war, the passing of bills that completely squash privacy and human rights, the arresting and holding of innocent people without access to a lawyer or trial, its kind of hard to forget the trigger happy mood that 9/11 set this government in.

Don't even try to compare WWII and this war. WWII was a valid and necessary war. We were forced into WWII.
cental34 said:
Iraq did not invade another country. Iraq did not even threaten us.
I guess you never heard of Kuwait. Saddam invaded kuwait back in 1991. Plus iraq commited a lot of war crimes that was never taken up the genenva conventions.Then reason saddam didnt take another country is because saddam knew that would trigger the US to come back to jusified a war.
Don't even try to compare WWII and this war. WWII was a valid and necessary war. We were forced into WWII.
Im not comparing the two differant wars im comparing the differance politics are. Republicans didnt dare bash FDR about men dying. Thats the facts of war MEN DIE!! And liberals are bashing president bush on the war on terrorism for political gain. WHERE WERE TED KENNEDY AND BARBARA BOXER When Clinton attack kosovo and bombed an aspirn factory and the chineese embassy? WHERE WERE THEY?? WHERE WERE TED KENNEDY AND BARBARA BOXER Condeming jimmy carter to do something against iran when the students take americans hostage.See what it all boils down too is liberals will never bash their own party leader in the white house.
Let's see...

Who was president when we had the Gulf War? Oh, Bush!

Who was president when we had the 9/11 thing? Oh, Bush!

Who was president when we had the Iraq War? Oh, Bush!

What do all of these have in common? Republicans! Hmm... who should we really blame? I don't know. All I know is that we're wasting our time with this war and Bush is keeping it up. :roll:
VamPyroX said:
Let's see...

Who was president when we had the Gulf War? Oh, Bush!

Who was president when we had the 9/11 thing? Oh, Bush!

Who was president when we had the Iraq War? Oh, Bush!

Let see....
Who almost blew up the world during the cuban missle crises? JFK!

Who didnt do a thing about the iran crises? Jimmy Carter!

Who Bombed an aspirn factory and the chineese embassy during the bosina & kosovo attacks? Bill Clinton!

Who didnt go after saddam & bin laden and was so soft on al queda? Bill Clinton!

No wonder liberals cant defend and protect our nation
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