Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart - A True Animal Story


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Feb 17, 2006
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Seeing With the Eyes of the Heart--A True Animal Story
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Adapted from Animal Angels, by Stephanie Laland (Conari Press, 1998).

When Lana’s son knew he was dying of cancer, he bequeathed his German Shepherd, Grizzly, to his mother. And because Grizzly had helped him so much through his suffering, he told her, "Maybe there’ll be some way you and he can help other kids."

Read how this loving animal helped to bring the grieving Lana back into life, how he was able to help sick children, and what the amazing secret was that he carried for years before anyone found out. Here is this inspiring true story:

When her son died, Lana felt her whole world collapse. She became too depressed to even go out of the house. But Grizzly knew she had to go on, so one day he brought her one of her running shoes and then rifled through the closet and brought her its mate. When she protested that she just couldn’t move yet, he pulled at her sleeve. She started going out into the fresh air again.

Lana began taking Grizzly to the pediatric floor of the Health Center where she did volunteer work. Perhaps because of the time he had spent caring for Lana’s son, Grizzly seemed to know just how to be gentle with sick children. The children loved him. For years he brightened their days and took their minds off the physical and emotional pain they were suffering. Even kids who fought with other kids calmed down around Grizzly.

One day it was discovered that Grizzly himself was handicapped. No one had known it, but he had been blind for years. When Lana asked how he could do such amazing healing work while blind, a friend replied, "He sees with his heart, not his eyes."