I will vote for a politician that promises to get the government to pay for our hearing aids
I did not know that. It still sux for the rest of us. What do the insurance companies call it? Cosmetic?
I did not know that. It still sux for the rest of us. What do the insurance companies call it? Cosmetic?
yes i believe so. same for glasses
They'll pay for glasses. Just not the expensive ones.
I find it ironic that almost all insurances cover CI's, some even do bilateral, but almost none cover aids.
Yeah I know. I think it's b/c when CIs first became popular, insurance companies figured that it was safe, since only a small number of folks were elgiable to be implanted. I do think that if HA were covered, it might stop the folks who are more ambigious for being implanted, and then drive down health care costs.
I havent has any luck getting vr to buy me ha's.
Yeah, itd be nice if insurance covered them.