

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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Well, My wife was a Scout Leader for Cub/Boy and Girl Scouts since before I met her. When her 2 quit after their teen years, she continued with school and we had our son so life took hold for awhile there. Now that our son is going into first grade he is eligible to join Cub Scouts. So today we went to get his uniform and other stuff, also Momma is going to return as a Leader and I signed up to become a Leader as well. I was in the Boys Scout for awhile when I was in High School.... But my experiences in the medical and civil services field will help and my outdoorsy side is eager to be released into the

Think this is going to be a lot of fun, building fires and playing with knives and and
You'd like Trail Life (similar to Boy Scouts)- they go on tons of camping trips here in NC. Only thing I'm kind of not really liking a lot is they're heavy on the "Christian Teachings" and criticized the Boy Scouts about allowing gay scouts and leaders. I only know about TL because my nephew is in that group (hopefully he isn't one to criticize other groups like they do...).
Never heard of Trail Life, interesting...I was in Brownies and Girl Scouts as a kid and had a good time.
Not here, The Den my wife is from is the one we will join again ( everyone knows everyone ) they are not religious or press it, they are just a group of laid back folks helping kids learn. Besides its cubs, 1st graders and similar ages so dont really deal with all the crazy stuff, basically a learning adventure.