Not surprised. Schools are schools. Parents should always make sure their children is getting the help/support they need. I've had my fair share of problems - but probaly not like that with the pool noodle. That's disgusting. I hope the people involved is fired.
This was like around fifteen to sixteen years ago...
I used to come home crying alot during pre-school. There was one instance where the EA's will lie to my mom like saying I was sick - and my mom took me to the doctor to confirm - but I wasn't sick. Later on, a EA phoned my mom and told her that something did happen that day but she never explained.
Another thing that I remember was being forced to sing the national anthem - even though I didn't know the words. I got scolded for that - got put in a time-out.
And I didn't speak for four years until my mom introduced sign language. So it doesn't make sense to me now why they would expect me to sing despite my history?
This is why I really don't like most EA's. I don't know how they were taught, or what the programs are like now, but I hope people today are getting taught better. But seeing this, it makes me wonder what makes these people think that's ok to do that?
My mom tried to get me a translator for many years (after I switched schools in grade 5 because they built a new school and everyone at the old school had to move), but the school could never seem to "find one".
I also had this one lady who would come in and observe me from like grade 8 to grade 9.
She wasn't very nice as a few times I had to go to my bus, but she refused to let me leave until we were done the "session" at a certain time. I took a special needs bus at the time which came at a specific time - and still she didn't care.
Another instance was when I was in a options class with another girl who was HOH but had a translator, I got tired of listening to the instructor and really had no idea what was going on so I looked at the translator and I was able to understand better.
The next day when the lady came in, my EA mentioned that I was watching the translator the other day - and what did she do? Get mad at me for watching sign when I should be listening "as I'm oral". That I shouldn't be needing to use sign language.
That got me really upset because I never asked to be oral did I? And I can use sign language whenever I want to - it's still my first language after all.
So I really hope these people got fired. I feel so bad for the boy.