

New Member
Mar 17, 2007
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I am a very old student. I am learning to be an interpreter. Right now I am at the beginning of this wonderful journey into your world. I want to improve my skills to advocate for the Deaf. I want he hearing world to be educated in the World of the Deaf. I'm not trying to be arrogant. I am sick of the ignorance of the hearing world about the Deaf and their world.
I Agree!

Hey, I'm studying to be an interpreter too. I am actually in my last internship and I've already taken my certication test. Now I am just waiting for the results... So I can understand where you are coming from. And there are ALWAYS going to be uneducated hearing people, unfortunately. It makes you even more sad (and shocked) to know that some people have these crazy notions about deaf people, but you kind of get used to this ignorance, forget about those people, and continue on knowing that everything is MUCH different... Unless they are your friends, which in that case you would educate them with what information you know!

I've only been doing this for about 4 years now, but I have met some of the most AMAZING Deaf people! A few of my close friends are deaf actually, and sometimes we'll make fun of each other (she will blame something on me because I am hearing and vice versa), but we both have a deep respect for each other..... Not to mention they know all my secrets! :giggle:

So my advice to you would be to educate the ones you can and forget about the ones you can not. Some people are just unteachable... Thank God there are people like us who you CAN! :giggle:
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Have fun browsing and posting! :)

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here :) ....
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Great to see another one taking the journey of taking courses to become an interpreter--wishes you much success and many lasting memories as well as learning useful and valueable tools/information pertaining to the Deaf. Anyhow, hope your stay here is a great one too. ;)

Have a great day! :wave:

Hello and welcome, Daisy; all the best to you in your advocacy.
well welcome to alldeaf and hope that will helpyou learn something and feeling warm welcome, smile