Salem witch get restraining order against warlock

Modern-day witches - of which there are a number in the U.S. - aren't immune from human silliness.
Most authentic witches and pagans in the U.S. do -not- use the term "warlock" in reference to male witches. Male witches are simply - witches.
In the pagan community around me, "warlock" is actually considered an inappropriate term and somewhat insulting.

Witchcraft <which does not involve Satanism or cults or may find Satanists at a pagan event like you would anywhere, but they aren't witches> is a valid religion but news articles like this one put a bad light on it.

Yes, I'm pagan

ok...suppose that's all we're going to be able to discuss with that....
This happened right before Halloween , I am wondering if this was done to try and get more people to go to Salem, Ma. on Halloween. This bring in a lot $$$ to the stores and city . My daughter , granddaughter and I went to Salem on Halloween and it took us almost a hour to find a place park your car and not get a ticket. It was a real trip seeing so many people dress as witches .
Interestng....and meh..

Well...such is this world....

A sorcerer,a warlock, and trump walk into a bar....
