Sad news to share.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Jul 25, 2003
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Hello all,

Just would like to share the sad news.

Few hours ago, I found out my Aunt (not a relative, but friend of my family, I always called her Aunt as she is part of the family) had passed away yesterday from cancer. (never knew she had cancer)

Unfortunately, I won't be able to go to funeral, which is in New Zealand and it is tomorrow.

Rest in Peace Aunt, you will always be missed, will always cherish you in my memory and you are never forgotten. :(
My condolences and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time :hug:
I'm sorry about your aunt. My thoughts are with you at this sad time. :hug:

Please accept my condolences to you and your family. My mother passed away from pancreatic cancer several years ago.

Sending plenty of :hug: your way...
Sorry to hear about that, my anut died from the cancer this year too... :hug:
Oh my dear, I'm sorry to learn about your aunt. My thoughts are with you... :hug:
I am sorry about your aunt passed away. She is in the heaven now.
SG, Im sorry for your loss of your aunt, may she rest in peacefully.
You have my condolences, Seq and
you and your family are in my thoughts and
prayers..God Bless!