

New Member
Oct 2, 2005
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How did your date go Saturday night? Did he try and kiss you good night or anything we need to know about? :P
I'm sorry it took long to see this thread.. It got cancelled :ugh2: I will explain to everyone what happen since everyone took their time to help me out what to wear on the date...

Anyways, His father and mother aren't together and it will be finial in Oct 3 this year... His father has a girlfriend who they are getting married on the same day when it's finial on Oct 3... they have been together for a quite while.. Anyways she said to my mother that she wanted to hook me up with his son (her boyfriend) so we can go out to eat at a Mexican Resturant and afterwards me and him can figure out what to do next... So apparently she warned my mother that his (son) mother is not a very nice woman and she will do anything to keep her son over at her house and not share the him to the father. Before he gets shipped off to the war in oct.. On saturday night was the day he had to go back to the Army to get more tranning done before he get sent off.. Apparently he never showed up at his father's house... (thats why I didn't keep my hopes up) it's because she kept him and n ot share him with his father... I know this is Immature but I really don't know the whole story about his parents or whats going on...

The father is my neighboor and he stopped by here last night and told me that he was sorry that I didn't meet his son becasue he never showed up at his house (father)... My mother said she could hear in his voice (fathers) that he was abou to cry and he was very HURT over it... And told us it may be the last time I will ever see my son.... Oh gosh it broke my heart and I told my mother he needs to think postive and keep him in prayers. Alltogether I understand becasue saturday was the day he was suppose to spend the day with his son before he went to the war, I understand that Families comes first.... But I think it sucks that the father didn't get a chance to see his son, that breaks my heart.... before he went to fight the war, He won't be back in 9 months... And I will meet up with him when he comes back and I can wait.. But he is going to give me his address do I can write to him back and forth! Im okay with all this.... Im basically upset what the mother did.. I can always get dates (if I want)..... Keep the soliders in your prayers guys!!!!
ahhh shucks that really sucks...all the solders have my prayers. My brother used to be in the army (in canada that is LOL) So I have highest respect for all armies in usa and canada.

U can always go on dates with the other guys thats if your feeling up to it and all.
RoyalMajesty said:
I'm sorry it took long to see this thread.. It got cancelled :ugh2: I will explain to everyone what happen since everyone took their time to help me out what to wear on the date...

Anyways, His father and mother aren't together and it will be finial in Oct 3 this year... His father has a girlfriend who they are getting married on the same day when it's finial on Oct 3... they have been together for a quite while.. Anyways she said to my mother that she wanted to hook me up with his son (her boyfriend) so we can go out to eat at a Mexican Resturant and afterwards me and him can figure out what to do next... So apparently she warned my mother that his (son) mother is not a very nice woman and she will do anything to keep her son over at her house and not share the him to the father. Before he gets shipped off to the war in oct.. On saturday night was the day he had to go back to the Army to get more tranning done before he get sent off.. Apparently he never showed up at his father's house... (thats why I didn't keep my hopes up) it's because she kept him and n ot share him with his father... I know this is Immature but I really don't know the whole story about his parents or whats going on.

I read the message twice before responding. You know what I'd do if I was you? Sounds to me like this guy you were to have a date with: 1. Stood you up and, 2. Is his mommy's little sonny boy and she is breastfeeding him (how old did you say he was?). :roll:

RM, in my opinion, you can do better. You need and want a man, not a boy who is attached to his mother.:roll: I'd send this guy a framed picture of his mother, a blankey (misspelled on purpose), pacifier and a teddy bear if I wrote to him, which isn't such a bad idea, huh? :P :rofl: And, I'd tell him that when he decides he wants to act like a man, he should give me a call. That's what I'd do if I were you, imho and I am NOT kidding. I'd do it if a woman I dated was like that and I wouldn't mince words.
pek1 said:
I read the message twice before responding. You know what I'd do if I was you? Sounds to me like this guy you were to have a date with: 1. Stood you up and, 2. Is his mommy's little sonny boy and she is breastfeeding him (how old did you say he was?). :roll:

RM, in my opinion, you can do better. You need and want a man, not a boy who is attached to his mother.:roll: I'd send this guy a framed picture of his mother, a blankey (misspelled on purpose), pacifier and a teddy bear if I wrote to him, which isn't such a bad idea, huh? :P :rofl: And, I'd tell him that when he decides he wants to act like a man, he should give me a call. That's what I'd do if I were you, imho and I am NOT kidding. I'd do it if a woman I dated was like that and I wouldn't mince words.
Pete, He didn't stood me up... There was a situation that happen between his parents... but again I can see what your point is though, he is 24 years old and he can take it up with his mother. Or Both of the parents should've gotten together with their son and spend time before he went back to the miltary... But honeslty Im not sweating on it because things get in the way sometimes.... But thanks for your respond I get what your point is!!!! :) Anyways.... There is a lot of nice mens out there ... It will eventually come to me! Here is a old saying, "For those who wait good things come to you"... I Believe in that!!!

Thanks again Pete!!!! (if thats what your name is) :whistle: