Name is Roe, am 31 and have for some strange reason found myself
drawn with curiosity to the deaf since I was 19 but never have taken
the time to get to know anyone who is deaf so am hoping to make a
few friends while here.

Love working outdoors, at my old place I had a fruit and nut orchard as well
several vegetable and flower gardens, exotic chickens and Nigerian Dwarf
goats and about everything else imaginable so I very much miss that lifestyle
because I really wasn't meant for life here in the city.

Presently I own a condominium here by the lake but am not happy because
I feel so useless having not enough land to really do anything with so am
just hoping to make enough friends to keep my mind off my troubles until
I can come up with enough money to move back to the country.
Welcome to AD. In no time you'll be making some deaf friends here :)

Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Roe! You'll meet a great group of people here...also, I can relate somewhat to the sort of feeling it is when living out in the country rather in a big city...having the 'space', taking in nature's beauty, etc., hopefully you'll be able to adjust to city life for the time being and eventually be able to be where you love to be, in the meantime, enjoy your stay here in AD as well! ;)
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf ROE!!! I hope you're enjoying your stay on this forum. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!!! :)
Herzlich Willkommen zu AD

Come and share your posts here with us :thumb:
:welcome: and enjoy your stay here at! You sure will be busy laughing, crying, and sharing stories with members here. Stay blessed. :thumb:
Welcome to AD. Glad to see a fellow Texan take an interest in the Deaf community. Enjoy your stay.
Hi Roe,

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)...