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Most likely they ate far more than they should have with the effects being too strong.  It's a common occurrence with edibles, since people will eat what they perceive as a sensible portion for a non-laced version of the food, like a whole cookie.  Yet they are ingesting 3 to 4 times the amount intended to be eaten.  If they ate two brownies apiece, they could have had 8 times the amount.  Compound it with the delay in feeling the effects, one can jump the gun and consume more to "feel" it. 

There would have been nothing to do other than for them to ride it out.  If it was their first time, it will probably be their last.  It's stupid really.  You'll have conservatives screeching about the children in the face of the fast moving legalization movement, but it's no different than kids getting into the alcohol cabinet and going buck wild...except the latter can kill them.  The former just scares the beejeezuz out of them.
