RIT/NTID questions


New Member
Jun 24, 2005
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I have a question to ask. I was surprise to know one of my friend who attend to RIT and saying have class on Monday during LABOR DAY.

What's up with it? It's so unusually.
Not surprised... I'm considered about go to NTID in next year but I don't pass stupid state exam (CAHSEE).
Yep, it's true. RIT still has classes on Labor Day. RIT was probably the only academic institution to remain open for the rest of the day on September 11, 2001.
for some reason, it make sense that it's private not relation to state.
It's quite unusual to have classes on Labor Day. So I am letting you know that I'm a RIT graduate so I know a lot about RIT. Actually, it was RIT's decision to start on Labor Day because there were reasons:
1. RIT's private school.
2. easily to follow the academic calendar
3. prefer to start new week of the quarter on Monday instead of mid-week, (its true.. many professors were complaining about confusing dates).
4. don't care about Labor Day. RIT wants to have students and faculty to come on Labor Day.
5. Eh. professors and students are still complaining about it since 2001.
thank for answer my question. Poor professors and students, they bitching about.. heh

It's quite unusual to have classes on Labor Day. So I am letting you know that I'm a RIT graduate so I know a lot about RIT. Actually, it was RIT's decision to start on Labor Day because there were reasons:
1. RIT's private school.
2. easily to follow the academic calendar
3. prefer to start new week of the quarter on Monday instead of mid-week, (its true.. many professors were complaining about confusing dates).
4. don't care about Labor Day. RIT wants to have students and faculty to come on Labor Day.
5. Eh. professors and students are still complaining about it since 2001.
What do if students don't want go to school due labor day?
Cool. I used to attend RIT. School was closed only once while I was in school for 4 years and that was due to bad blizzard.

They think MONEY. That's only one reason for refusing to close school. They tend to wait til 2 pm until they let us go out because of horrible wintery weather.
I'm glad to be rid of RIT as I personally saw that it was a more hassle of dealing with moving in and out due to all of the Labor day traffic on the weekend-and the classes starting on the holidays..... not cool at all

now i only have a piece of paper and they can kiss my arse
I'm glad to be rid of RIT as I personally saw that it was a more hassle of dealing with moving in and out due to all of the Labor day traffic on the weekend-and the classes starting on the holidays..... not cool at all

now i only have a piece of paper and they can kiss my arse
Soon, I'll have 2 papers. ;)