Rich Manners


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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Two rich women was laying out in the sun relaxing while thier husbands went to thier daily meetings,

the older rich woman looked over at the young woman, and said,

My husband loves me SO much He bought me a diamond ring ( waves it into the young woman's face)

the young woman said That's nice.

the older woman said My husband loves me So much he bought me a Fur coat.

The young woman said That's nice

the older woman said My husband loves me So much he bought me a mansion.

The young woman said That's nice.

The Older woman said and what did your husband do?

The young woman said My husband loves me so much he sent me to the ladies manner school.

The older woman said OH really? why is that?

the Young woman said So i can be nice to you instead of saying fuck you!

the older woman nearly fainted in shock!

:rofl: heheh

That's a good one, haha... Geez, I wish I could see
more jokes like that !!