Jillio was totally correct except - Only thing I can add is that the entire motive for placing DHH children in a General SPED ( special ed) class instead of a special day class with a teacher of the deaf is
This is one of the biggest problems with the education of our deaf / hard of hearing children, and for some reason parents are resistant to going to mediation and due process to FORCE the schools to do what the Federal Law mandates. I finally have a special ed lawyer for my 14 year old son going after the two school districts responsible for his inability to form a sentence properly, failing to give him the number of speech sessions stated on his IEP, providing speech services with an idiot who was pane-miming to him and using the other less deaf students as asl interpreters, being a year out of compliance to do a full academic assessment ( which I requested as he was leaving elementary school, 3 years behind in reading and writing) the list goes on! The schools DO NOT CARE about the deaf students,
they purely accommodate them into illiteracy. They make sure that they have at least D's on their report cards so that they can make the case that they have made " adequate academic gain" - that is their legal buzz word for " hey look, they did not fail, they can graduate and we can be done with them.
Can you tell I am totally insanely angry over this???
They don't even care that our children are learning TWO languages at once in those general sped classes, in fact most of the teachers have no freeking clue. I explained to my sons sped language arts ( english) teacher that for each vocabulary word that he learns in English he has to learn a conceptual asl sign for it as well, and that is what he was being taught in pre-teaching that he had before the district cut it. Her suggestion was that the interpreter teach him the words ! I pointed out that the interpreter is not an educator, she is here to tell you what my son is saying and tell him what you are saying. She said oh and changed the subject.