Residen Evil: Outbreak


New Member
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
I bought a new game for the Resident Evil: Outbreak. It has a new 8 of characters. It will be unlock the characters when you pass the Resident Evil:Outbreak. And you can play with another players on the Resident Evil Online as only 4 players. You should collect more points if you like to buy new stuff from "Collection" I have been playing on RE:Outbreak for about one week. I really like it. I hope you will ever try to play it. :mrgreen:
I was thinking about renting that one but since it is just a spin off story, I have less interest in this one than Residen Evil 4, which would come to the cube this fall so sure, I'm a real heavy RE fan, but just want to focus on the storyline than going back, like a spin off story in Outbreak, you know?

but I'm glad to hear that you like it so I'll give this one a try sometime in the summer.
I'm pissed off him! :mad2:

I was play on the Decisions, Decisisons. It's through to final boss his name is Tyran-R looks like black man. He beat me for hard! Because I can't kill him! Damn it! That's bastard.

Everybody, do you know? you have any weapons like magum, shotgun or grenade launcher? they are the best weapons to beat against big monsters like tyran-R
I finally beat him! It's easy! HAHAHA! So I understand now, and it all things. :smoking:
oops! my's name's THANATOS-R. A new weapson name is the Injection gun. I got it. SHOOT HIM! :scatter: