Requiring English 101 and/or 102?


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Apr 11, 2011
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I went to Northern Illinois University from 1997 to 2000. I graduated with a bachelor degree. I know that I did take English 101. I'm pretty sure I took English 102 too. I'm guessing that most Universities require you to take English 101 and 102 as core courses. It has been 14 years since I've been in college. I cannot remember if there were Universities in USA that only required English 101.

Do you remember what it was like at your college/university?
I know I had quite a lot of English courses in college, but I don't remember at all what the minimum requirement was.
you can look online, the e-catalog shows what you need to take specific classes, here its usually just 101 sometimes 102 depending on what you are taking.
I know 101 was required for some classes ( I dont know why) as it didnt have anything to do with communication.
Community college only require English 101, but university require English 101 and 102.
English 101 was required for all my degrees.
As I remember it from back in the very, very early 1960's out of a normal school year 101 would be the fall semester and 102 would be the spring semester. As I remember it though both were offered both semesters at Centralia Junior College which became Kaskaskia College in 1966.
Some degreas require 101 only and some 201. I had to take 201 but maybe because it was dor transfer.
I went to a state university in the 90's. English 101 and 102 were required as basic for incoming students, or you could test out and take English 150.
There were other or additional requirements depending on whether you went for B.A. or B.S.
Texas Tech required both freshman English courses when I went there. Most schools I know around here require them both.
the local college I go to require both 101 and 102 to graduate, even if you don't need 102 for your specific major.
pretty much all colleges require English 101 and 102