Religious holidays


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Mar 6, 2003
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I was thinking we should all post our religious holidays and can even include anniversary and what you do.......

tonight the 25th was the Eid ul Fitr.
Eid ul Fitr is the festival that marks the end of the month of Ramadan. Fitr means to break and it therefore marks the breaking of the fasting period and of all evil habits. Happiness is observed at attaining spiritual upliftment after a month of fasting.

Imam Ali has said that Eid is a day of happiness for those whose fasts and prayers have been accepted by Allah. He has also said that Eid is the day in which one has committed no sins.

Zakat ul Fitr

During Ramadhan we become familiar with the experience of the needy and poor who stay hungry not out of choice but because of lack of food. By fasting we appreciate the blessings bestowed upon us by Allah and become charitable towards those in need. As if to re-enforce the idea in our minds, Allah has made a wajib charity of Zakat ul Fitr at the end of Ramadhan.
Interesting....haven't heard about that particular religious holiday. Sounds fascinating. :thumb:
Waz said:

thanks!!!! I dont know if I ever asked but what religion are you?? maybe you can tell us about your traditions??
BabyPhat21 said:
thanks!!!! I dont know if I ever asked but what religion are you?? maybe you can tell us about your traditions??

I am a Punjabi Muslim, My Tradition is da same was every muslim do, is pray then meet up family n relative but there may be alittle different as we have a party with Bhangra Music (heard of it it is very same like Punjabi MC Mundian to bach ke) with load of food and present!..
Waz said:
I am a Punjabi Muslim, My Tradition is da same was every muslim do, is pray then meet up family n relative but there may be alittle different as we have a party with Bhangra Music (heard of it it is very same like Punjabi MC Mundian to bach ke) with load of food and present!..

Also We do Zakat to give some money to the poor! Our culture is very same to sikh peoples coz punjabi are majority muslim and sikh!
On November 13, 2000 the United States Postal Service (USPS) debuted a stamp that recognizes Eid ul-Fitr. This stamp, along with others to be released in 2001, was featured on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" program. The call-in program was broadcasted from the Smithsonian Institution's National Postal Museum.
The USPS, officially launched the Eid Stamp to the public on September 1, 2001. The postal service had received thousands of letters requesting the Eid stamp. Several Muslim groups and individuals have been seeking an Eid ul-Fitr or Ramadan stamp since the early 90s.

*This is one sign that the Muslim presence in America is being recognized**


For the first time in 2003 Hallmark is offering cards for Eid.

A single card and two multi-packs are offered in stores. Cards are also available on

Since Islam is practiced worldwide, Hallmark avoided any icons that could be construed as regional or cultural, rather than Islamic.

The common Arabic phrase "Eid Mubarak," which means "Happy Holiday" is used. The writing conveys the celebration, joy and thanks of the holiday and reinforces the bonds of friendship, family and faith.

Images feature ornate Islamic-inspired patterns and rich color. On one card an illustration appears of two pairs of hands shaking in greeting.
Baby, wasn't there a huge to-do about that stamp? I remember some stupids (the same ones who saw the "sex" in the dust in Lion King parobaly )thought that it was supporting terroirism or something b/c EID is die spelled backwards.
Not only do my family celebrate aunt and her mother also celebrates Hanukkah too. This year Hanukkah and xmas are on the same week.
deafdyke said:
Baby, wasn't there a huge to-do about that stamp? I remember some stupids (the same ones who saw the "sex" in the dust in Lion King parobaly )thought that it was supporting terroirism or something b/c EID is die spelled backwards.
I didnt hear anythinig about that, the stamp was revealed before 9-11. Eid is the translation from arabic, as you can see the stamp, it is in arabic not english. If people think Eid which means HAPPY is a hidden message for killing (die) then they must be nuts......... like those people who say santa is really a jargon for Satan.......