Record cold in Fairbanks, Alaska


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Jul 9, 2006
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For the second time in three days, Fairbanks set a new low temperature record on Thursday. A temperature of 41 degrees below zero — the first 40 below temperature of the season — was recorded at Fairbanks International Airport at 6:29 a.m., according to the National Weather Service in Fairbanks. That broke the old record of 39 below set in 1969.
Fairbanks set a new record of 35 below on Tuesday and the temperature bottomed out at 39 below on Wednesday, two degrees shy of the record.

Thursday’s record low of 41 below marked the sixth earliest 40-below temperature recorded by the National Weather Service in Fairbanks since 1904. The earliest it’s ever hit 40 below in Fairbanks was Nov. 5, 1907, when it hit 41 below.

The last time Fairbanksans saw 40-below temperatures in November was in 1994, when temperatures of 45, 43 and 45 below were recorded on Nov. 24, 25 and 30, respectively.

The bitter, early season cold had Interior residents wondering if somebody turned the calendar ahead a month or two.

“This sort of thing is certainly more common in December and January than November,” meteorologist Dan Hancock at the National Weather Service in Fairbanks said. “We can go through an entire winter and not get this cold.”

Read more: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Record Fairbanks cold continues air quality warnings issued
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Record Fairbanks cold continues air quality warnings issued
Oh no....hope this not come here!!!! This pretty close me. Yuck....hate -40s.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Brrrrrr!!!!!! My cousin lives there. She lives in a cute house in the forest.
Yeah, no extremes in temps going on around here, lol. Global warming, anyone.:lol:
Oh no....hope this not come here!!!! This pretty close me. Yuck....hate -40s.

with no wind chill? That's damn cold. I remember that Richmond Va was -35 with windchill. it was a record too. :cold: