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Oct 8, 2004
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The boy went to school with my daughter and she knew him. Now, everybody is talking about this "game". I just felt that you, ADERS, should read this and be aware of this "game". Please talk to your child/children, niece, nephew, anybody you know about this.. and explain how dangerous it is.

It's a game with several names like suffocation roulette, the pass out game and black out. It's popular among young children because it gives them a 5 to 10 second high without using drugs, but it's deadly.

The family of Johnathan Kelly found out last week.

"I'm grieving my heart out," Darlene Kelly says. "I feel like a part of me has died."

Darlene Kelly found her son Johnathan hanging by a belt from the shower curtain rod in their bathroom. She says you could tell he was playing the passing out game by his position.

"He could have stood up," she says. "But because he passed out he choked after that."

Doctors say it as an asphyxiation game where they get a high from suffocating to the point of passing out. Johnathan's mom and dad talked with us because they don't want it to happen again.

Michael Kelly says, "We had not a clue that there was anything like this that existed. We just don't want anyone else to lay victim to this-an evil demented mind game."

Some children who also go to Madison Crossroads say it's a popular game, but most of the time it's played with more than one person. On the other hand, parents we talked with had never heard of it.

Michael Kelly says, "If they could see their child laying in a coffin like I have for 3 days they would investigate like we're going to."

Experts say there are a few warning signs you can look for: marks on shower curtain rods, bed posts, weight bars anything a child could hang from. Most importantly they suggest just talking to your children about the deadly game.


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:jaw: :-o That is so awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will talk to my nephews and I will make sure that I will pass this on to ppl who has children.

Thank you for letting us know. You might have saved alots parents and kids lives!
RebelGirl said:
Please do.. its getting very popular these days

I just forwarded the message on to my family and friends who are parents and has children. Bless children's hearts!!!!! I am sure they will be so upset when they read it and will be very grateful for us to pass it on to ppl out there in the world.
Thanks for warning others.

If I may mention, this has been around as children are very creative. When I was young, we had our form of Russian Roulette. We'd have a much taller/stronger friend press his/her hands against our ribs when we stood up against the wall and this caused for us to stop breathing and we'd pass out. The longer you blacked out, you won the game. If a friend chickened out and ran to get a parent, that friend was banished from the "Russian Roulette" circle of friends.
Cookie Monster said:
Thanks for warning others.

If I may mention, this has been around as children are very creative. When I was young, we had our form of Russian Roulette. We'd have a much taller/stronger friend press his/her hands against our ribs when we stood up against the wall and this caused for us to stop breathing and we'd pass out. The longer you blacked out, you won the game. If a friend chickened out and ran to get a parent, that friend was banished from the "Russian Roulette" circle of friends.

I did the same when I was younger, I would say around 9 or 10 years old. I used to bend over and take 10 deep breaths then stand up straight and press my neck with my hands.. I would pass out. I don't recall back in my time that somebody had died from it.. I was young so I could careless. Now, its getting too common and seeing a lot of kids are doing that. Scares sh*tless outta me. I've already talked to my daughter about it so I hope she does keep that in mind not to try it.