Rampaging while high on K2


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- The NYPD has released disturbing videos of naked men rampaging in New York City and elsewhere while high on synthetic marijuana.

Commissioner William Bratton has been widely quoted in the media as warning against the use of what he refers to as "weaponized marijuana." The drug commonly is called K2.

Bratton, in a news conference on Tuesday, warned that there is increased use of the illegal substance by homeless and other New Yorkers that has resulted in overdoses and deaths.

The cheap, synthetic drug also energizes some users to the point where they are difficult to place under arrest. Bratton said suspects may display symptoms that mimic mental illness, have super human strength, feel no pain and become so overheated that they remove all their clothes.

Although banned from the city to federal level, synthetic marijuana apparently still is widely available at delis, bodegas, smoke shops and other convenience stores in New York City and online.

In one of the videos released by the NYPD, public school safety vehicles in Brooklyn approach a naked man who is crouching down on all-fours and hitting asphalt with his arm for no apparent reason.

A second NYPD-supplied video that actually was filmed in a residential neighborhood in another city shows a naked man trying to scale a fence, then punching a hole in the slats and, when he can't get through the hole, assaulting an officer as he tries to run away from cops.

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene identified a surge in geographically-clustered emergency department visits related to synthetic marijuana in April. Emergency department visits for this product sharply increased beginning on April 8, with more than 120 cases identified through April 15 -- more than six times the number of average weekly visits in 2015. The largest increases were among residents of East Harlem, with smaller increases also noted among residents of Upper Manhattan, and Central Brooklyn, according to the Health Department.

The Health Department warns that effects for fake cannabis may be even stronger than from marijuana and may include: extreme anxiety, confusion, paranoia, hallucinations, rapid heart rate, vomiting, seizures, fainting, kidney failure, elevated blood pressure, reduced blood supply to the heart and heart attacks.

Synthetic pot was outlawed by the federal government in 2012, following a similar ban on the state level.

The federal legislation was sponsored by U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), and came following raids by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

The Advance in 2010 highlighted the dangers of synthetic marijuana after a reporter was able to buy a canister of the stuff, dubbed "Mr. Smiley," online.

The spiraling decline of Western civilization continues... When will western civilization start looking at inner science seriously before it lets itself go too far?
The spiraling decline of Western civilization continues... When will western civilization start looking at inner science seriously before it lets itself go too far?

profound but not sure I understand connextion with man made dope
profound but not sure I understand connextion with man made dope

Very simple. Let me give you an Indic perspective (Dharmic culture from India is what I mean) on the drug problem.

Western civilization is set up such that the four goals in life of a person (as is viewed from a Hindu perspective) is not pursued equally. What are these goals? They are 1) dharma; 2) artha; 3) kāma; and 4) moksha. Dharma is "right thinking, right action" in a cultural context, which depends on where you are and your family circumstances. Artha means security, economically and having needs met, etc. Kāma is enjoyment of life (not just sex as most westerners think when they see or hear the words "Kāma Sūtra" but enjoyment of arts, music, relationships with family, friends, and your spouse, religious festivals, etc.). Moksha is the fourth and final goal in Hinduism. It means liberation from the cycle of birth and death, or saṃsāra (sounds like "sun-sah-ruh").

Continuing on, this means that Western civilization pursues these goals very unequally. Typically the life of an average person is like this:

They grow up in public school, learning the three Rs, and they may go to church.

They go to college to learn a profession or calling.

They go into the work world for various reasons. Typically, one has to make a living, so they tend to pick one they are good at, even if they're not happy with it (very typical in office jobs and retail jobs, which is what the majority of jobs seem to be in this country).

They want to make as much money as they can for what they do because it isn't exactly what they want to do, but they have to get money coming in. And because they may hate their jobs and don't get much vacation time relative to other Anglo-Saxon countries, they seek pleasure and thrill-seeking, and this becomes extreme over time until it finally blows up in their face or they have a melt down at work. The latter almost happened to me, so I had to leave before I burned bridges behind me over two years ago.

Having done this, they are now in retirement, so much of the time is spent catching up on things they couldn't do, like traveling to countries, learning to do new things, getting together with people they didn't have time for. They may maintain their church schedule (if any) as usual, once a week unless they're on a trip.

All this means that they spend the first part of the life learning to be a docile, obedient worker, the second part of life as a docile, obedient worker doing only what they're told, and even many managers who have the "status" of a management position don't necessarily have the "state of mind" of a leader (being able to lead, based upon development as a leader), but that's what they were given, and they have to wing it, then the third part of their life in pleasure-seeking is typically done with drugs or alcohol to numb the discomfort of being caught as a cog in a machine, and fourth, when they finally retire, they feel bored/empty inside because there hasn't been any inner science ongoing during their life time (being a member of the Abrahamic religions is NOT the same thing as Indic inner science).

Also, this means that they are very well developed in the material, manifest, tangible world at the expense of inner development. Lacking inner development as young adults, there are holes inside, and they're seeking for something to fill those holes. I know, as my stepbrother was one of them. He's in prison for multiple DWIs. His parents divorced when he was young. He missed his father and never got to see him again. He turned to drugs as a teenager. My stepmother handled the drug problem in one of the worst ways possible, though she did the best she could at the time.

These are symptoms of a Capitalist society that places too much emphasis on making money (artha) and thrill-seeking (kāma) in an unproductive way (costs a lot of money to enjoy/not enough time away from work) at the expense of doing what's right (go ahead and try those broker deals, as long as you don't get caught by the regulators) and at the expense of spiritual development at the highest possible level (moksha) because to reach that level, Capitalism as it is now simply will not exist because such people will feel guilty doing all the wrong things to cheat and suppress one another. Individualism is expanded in inappropriate ways, at least in the long run, civilizationally speaking.

Communism, on the other hand fails also because dharma, "right thinking, right action," is mainly about "doing what is right for the state" at the total exclusion of the individual, meaning artha (making money as the state sees fit) and kāma (what is allowed given your allotted income among other things) is tightly controlled, and moksha (part of spiritual development) is heavily suppressed, if not attached to a prison term. Individualism is crushed under such a regime.

Dharma is a third civilizational option aside from capitalism and communism. It, however, has been messed with by Mughal invaders from the northwest territories beyond India and the Britishers/Europeans later on. It has problems right now, and it remains to be seen if it can extricate itself from the nexus of Muslims, Christians, and Communists attempting to divide up or Balkanize India (breaking up India along racial, ethnic, cultural and linguistic fault lines created by the invaders/existing fault lines expanded upon by the invaders). If you want to read more on the comparison between Capitalist, Communist, and Dharmic societies, go here - http://www.bjp.org/about-the-party/philosophy/?u=integral-humanism

Anyhow, traditionally, Dharmic civilization typically has the four goals of life AND the four stages of life (student, householder, retired doing service for humanity, and renounced from the world concentrating on spiritual preparation for end-of-life), and it's very well worked-out because they had already known what it meant to be capitalist and communist thousands of years ago and found them lacking. Dharmic culture, in its untampered state, shows a maturity of knowledge and understanding that is presently beyond both Capitalism and Communism.

You will see that elements of Dharmic society already exists in Anglo-Saxon cultures. See, at the same time that European countries had controlled and enslaved Asian countries during the colonial period, imposing their cultures upon the natives and suppressing what seemed to be objectionable activities among the natives, Europeans were being influenced in turn, such as the importation of China ware, paintings, Indian arts and fabrics, etc. Now, you see things like yoga, ashrams, vegetarianism/veganism, ethical treatment of animals, open-mindedness to LGBTQIA and other religions, etc. Even people like Carl Jung, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoureau, Albert Einstein, as well as the philosophers Artur Schopenhauer and Alfred North Whitehead looked into Dharmic culture. People like these realize that our present civilization would be stuck if we continue to stay in a Eurocentric, imperialist, and capitalistic mindset without adapting to the needs of people today.

That is what I see in these people trapped by drugs and bad habits, because we don't have the resources in our society to help all individuals reach their potential instead of wasting it. For one thing, Western civilizations are "grabbing," selfish ones. I mean, think about it. Who has most of the wealth today? How much does the rest of us have? What is our position relative to animals and nature. Dharmic civilizations tended to be inclusive and generous ones, such that everyone had a place within society, because the mindset of a Dharmi (person who lives within a dharmic civilization like India, Nepal, Himalayas, etc.) is very different. For the most part, because of the giving nature of the culture in a provident natural environment as opposed to the hostile environment of the desert regions, where Western civilization got its start, people are giving of one another, people know how to conserve resources, such that people feel secure and rarely run into shortages of anything, and have mastered the ability to live as civilized beings while living within nature in a sustainable way, a fine balance to maintain that western civilization has not managed to master to this day. Please note that I'm recalling Dharmic civilization at its height or Golden Age before the Mughal invaders showed up.

This is my approach from a cultural, civilizational perspective.

Stephanie Ellison

Parrot Speaks - "A person in bush clothes is worth two in Gucci's hand" - 1979 Winter catalog from Banana Republic
you have romantist view of Asian countries..India one wealthiest country in world yet people are starving to death and poverty somewhat high most other Asian countries are Islamic therefore we have no imput.
The drug problem in India and Nepal is at its worst with the holy men just clear that up..
YOU into relatvistism.
I going pick this debate out with you tomorrow as I very tired to do it justice there so many holes in your arguments but tonight not best night for me
you have romantist view of Asian countries..India one wealthiest country in world yet people are starving to death and poverty somewhat high most other Asian countries are Islamic therefore we have no imput.
The drug problem in India and Nepal is at its worst with the holy men just clear that up..
YOU into relatvistism.
I going pick this debate out with you tomorrow as I very tired to do it justice there so many holes in your arguments but tonight not best night for me

Caz, you do not understand, and that's okay. I have yet to go into the material that supports my perspective. I did not want to add that here. It is not romanticism, as it comes from Indian people I work with. I am a writer for Rajiv Malhotra, I go to Temple, and I am under a disciple of Paramahaṃsa Nithyānanda, and the Temple may send me to India to further my work. They are who I learned this perspective from. You do not know, as you may have learned from western Indologists who do not know what they are talking about, only from a Eurocentric perspective. Here's one of my articles just published recently: http://www.vicharvimarsh.com/2015/07/23/why-rajiv-malhotra-matters-to-white-hindus-like-me/ I have two more already finished and being posted soon.

The ṛśīs or gurus you speak of, who have been seen doing drugs, are only one of very few who actually do it because it is believed that drugs really interfere with the processes that need to be done, yet people often focus on the one doing it to say, "See?! See, they do drugs." It's a common tactic to put such people in general in an unfavorable light.

Have you read these books:

Invading the Sacred (have read)
Kali's Child Revisited (have read)
Ayodhya and After (have read)
Forum of Intentional Liars: The Indian Communist/Christian Missionary/Islamist Nexus and Its Anti‐Hindu/Anti‐India Agenda (have read)
Asia and Western Dominance (have read)
Breaking India (reading now)
Being Different
Indra's Net (don't have yet)
Dharampal Vols 1-5 (have not read yet)
Mandala of Indic Studies web site (finished Outer Knowledge, reading Inner Science)

This is a small portion of books I have in my library, but the main ones I wanted to point out.

I converse with staff on Rajiv Malhotra's FB page as well as one of the writers living in India, with LGBTQIA people around the world who know "on the ground" what is going on there.

The reason that India has problems is because of being held in a colonized mindset first with the Mughal invaders, then the Britishers, and then Nehruism since 1947, which did a great disservice to India since then. Right now, India is not near its optimum because of the damage done by these factors including ongoing struggles with minority Muslims, aggressive Christian missionaries who go in with the intent to convert in exchange for providing services that are badly needed, and the Maoist insurgents with communist backing in some of the government parties. Remember that I have the backing of many Indians who can help me help you understand clearly what is going on, if you choose to open a thread on India. Include the name "India" somewhere in the thread name, and I'll look for it. Don't forget to explain your charge of relativism. See you tomorrow.
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how much is it costing...maybe I not understanding your meaning...I read some of the spiritual stuff but not the ones you mention but I will look them up..just be careful I have known of people totally dupe by it and lost every penny they have
how much is it costing...maybe I not understanding your meaning...I read some of the spiritual stuff but not the ones you mention but I will look them up..just be careful I have known of people totally dupe by it and lost every penny they have

Caz, please explain what you mean by "how much does it cost?" What are you referring to exactly? The books? Nearly all of the books, I have gotten for free, either because they are available for download, or I was gifted two of the books by Rajiv's staff and one by the disciple. (Breaking India, Being Different, and Indra's Net, written by Rajiv Malhotra, will have to be bought, and you have the choice of buying print books or electronic books, and Invading the Sacred, his first book, is available for free via download) Going to India? The Temple will be paying for that (per the Temple Manager). I will not have to deal with the costs. See, my advisor, who is a disciple of the aforementioned guru, as a benefactor (donor) of the Temple, is doing service by helping people. I am one of several people he helps on a weekly basis. A part of doing service (in the retirement stage of life) is preparing and sending people who are ready to India to see the master or guru to go all the way to enlightenment/liberation. They know of my financial status, so they will be helping me with that. If I'm not mistaken, that is also written off in taxes.

Caz, it is terrible that there are a lot of charlatans out there who take advantage of westerner's ignorance of what all this really is and gets them to buy this, buy that, or what they teach to the westerner is but a new age "flavor" of something that is grotesquely distorted from the original source or configuration. That is stuff like "Neo-Hinduism" or "Neo-Advaita." See, I've been around religious people all my life (there's no escaping that in Texas), so when I see Abrahamic beliefs garbed in Hinduism and Saṃskṛtam (Sanskrit), I can see it right away. I'm very sensitive to it (not in the manner of being easily offended, but in the manner of being able to see it clearly right away and know its influence) from years of learning to watch for this. This ability to discern whether this or that Hinduism is authentic developed early in my seeking through carefully looking at various sources and asking the Indians themselves.

This is why I do the writing these days. I want to wake westerners up to what they are doing to non-western, non-Abrahamic peoples around the world (as they have succeeded in doing to Native Americans and are working to succeed in India) and alert them to the "unity in diversity" they will be giving up and wiping out in favor of the "unity in homogeneity." The idea behind all this is to alert people to a different way of life that provides answers to alleviate civilizational and personal difficulties in life.
well I seen people go to ashrams give up everything find inner peace.
you talk about different stages of life the last stage going off seek spiritual strength..i seen it happen time after time they give there house to son then become unpaid baby sitter cos oap the family will take.
all sounds very nice in princeiple but that the reality of it.
Yes india very spiritual country if define ferral cows and rats and reincarnation which often means getting money back from previous life that the reality but it it very partenal to..i would like to belive you and I agree with the 'out of destructions comes construction.,but india is not the country you perceive it to be
well I seen people go to ashrams give up everything find inner peace.
you talk about different stages of life the last stage going off seek spiritual strength..i seen it happen time after time they give there house to son then become unpaid baby sitter cos oap the family will take.
all sounds very nice in princeiple but that the reality of it.
Yes india very spiritual country if define ferral cows and rats and reincarnation which often means getting money back from previous life that the reality but it it very partenal to..i would like to belive you and I agree with the 'out of destructions comes construction.,but india is not the country you perceive it to be

Well, when people are ready to give up everything to do the enlightenment, usually, that's in the final stage in life. The retirement stage, when they are providing service to humanity (this can be teaching classes on Sanskrit, being a spiritual adviser, working hospice, working in soup kitchens, shelters, taking care of people, etc.) typically lasts until the person feels ready to renounce life (because the person can feel it's getting close to the end of life), then the person gives up everything and goes off to spend the final years of life in spiritual preparation for liberation. I mean after all, are you going to give up everything now, or 3-5 years from now when your body dies? It's a matter of when, that's all. Consider this article from the Mandala web site - http://www.infinityfoundation.com/mandala/h_es/h_es_the_indian_psychology_of_values.htm

The thing about giving up everything and ending up a baby sitter... It sounds like to me you are confusing the retirement stage with the final, spiritual stage. See, being a retiree involves service, right? Who is to say that service can't involve being a baby sitter? Remember, when one does service for humanity, unlike western culture, there are no expectations attached. Not a do-good feeling, fame in the service sector, earning money, or even exchanging service for something as is common in Western cultures. Part of preparing for liberation is to do service without expectation, simply because it is the right thing to do; to make life easier for the person next to you in need, or even if the person is not in need, do it anyway. Any action you do is not for you or even the person receiving the gift of service, but for whatever you believe in (whether it's Kṛṣṇa, Gaṇeśa, or Veṅkaṭeśvara, or even Brahman, etc.).

The idea behind the animals you quote is several things, two I can think of right now. Cows, typically being a very calm, gentle animal when treated properly represent Dharma (right thinking, right action) via its 4 legs - the four principles of austerity, cleanliness, mercy, and truthfulness. This is why cows are sacred to Hindus. As for the rats, dogs, cats, birds, anything out there in India, they are respected by Hindus because they see Brahman, or God in them, in everything around them if they are able to see that. Enlightened people can see Brahman in everything, the trees, mountains, hills, dirt, animals, themselves and other people, the sky, moon, sun, everything. Because of the substrate or the "thing" that operates in the entire universe, they consider that to kill animals is to disrespect and harm themselves, since they see themselves in animals and see all people and all living things as many parts of the one same thing, just with different forms and levels of consciousness, and at different stages of spiritual development.

In regards to reincarnation, I'm not sure what you're getting at in regards to "getting money back from previous lives," but I will say this. It is understood that what you do in this life affects what happens in the next or several lives down the road. Have you noticed crooks doing wrong and getting away with it, and good people suffering in spite of everything they've tried to do?

There's a lag effect of karma and what is happening now. Maybe in a previous life, the crook was a good person, and the karma earned is being paid in the quality of life they have now in terms of material comforts, but that does NOT mean that the actions accruing now will not affect them when they get caught and sent to prison or in several lives from now when they suffer the loss of a family member to a gang shooting, drugs, or robbery.

Maybe the person doing good now had learned the errors of his actions from the early part of his life or even past lives and is trying to make up for it, but is suffering from the karma incurred from the past life of doing wrong. Maybe that person was executed in prison prior to being born in this life, and the karma continues to be paid out. Eventually, you exhaust that karma, good or bad. The trick here is to be able to recognize that you are suffering for your past negative actions, continue doing what's right, and never do bad again.

The goal of reincarnation is not to continue to live lives endlessly, though that is what unenlightened people are doing, going from one life to the next, but to reach liberation from this cycle of birth and death, reach enlightenment, and not come back here again, and know your real Self. People have the wrong idea that the purpose of reincarnation is to continue to accumulate things or to get better and better lives. That is being materially minded, and not spiritually minded. You supposedly CAN control what type of mentally-configured body you can go into, but you cannot control WHICH body you're going to take, so you can't control whether are being born into a more materially-wealthy family, just that you are put into a body with the mental aptitude and ability to become wealthy. It is said that people in third world countries, when they see America, upon death, remember three things; I want to be wealthy, I want to have a family, and I want to live in America, for example. These mental desires or impressions lead them to the body that is suited for fulfilling these desires (for unfulfilled desires can hold you back from liberation from the cycle of birth and death), and then they live that life. But not all third-world inhabitants want to live the lives of Americans, especially when they understand what it entails compared to their civilizational mores. Right now, my level of understanding needs to increase regarding the level of control you have in moving from one life to the next.

India is not the country I perceive it to be? Please explain what you mean by that. The information I get is from "on the ground" sources. Things are not pretty there, especially when you deal with minority Muslims getting out of control during protests, riots, etc., Maoist insurgents, and aggressive foreigners taking control of matters and disregarding the Indians' right to set terms on activities. It's a messy world. That is reality. It's why many Indians come here, because they have better education, better opportunities, somewhat less regulations to deal with in terms of bureaucracy, and not having to deal with strife with the foreign influences there, though I wish they carried with them the same cultural fervor in India here, in terms of their lifestyle, their Temple activities, and their holidays. It seems very quiet and calm here in comparison.

I am to go to India because I need access to a spiritual master. I have no idea when I'm going, as it depends on my spiritual development, and I have no idea how long I'll be there, it depends upon that later stage of spiritual development, and again, it depends on what I end up doing afterwards. I may stay there for some time to be taught Sanskrit by the Indian-born scholars (and not the "Sanskritists" here in the states who don't have a proper Indic perspective with which to interpret the writings), or I may come back here immediately to begin helping people shift from Western to Indic thinking and/or educate Indians here about what is really being done to them here and in India. Nothing is written in stone. I don't have expectations, though I can envision things happening, but I don't feel the sense of "entitlement" that because I've done this, I've done that, I expect, no demand, that I get to do this or that. It is what it is. What happens happens.
the giving up everything is usually slave labour by family.the Reincartion MANY USE IT AS A CON....I live in INDIA six months it really is not what you think it is I wish it was..9/11 THE HINDUE aswell muslims were out dancing celebrating not very spiritual..When I was there a cow walked into a mosque the answer was go kill a few hindues and there answer to that lets go kill few muslims I not sure that's karmer....
I really wish it was like you explain maybe it is and I not seen it
the giving up everything is usually slave labour by family.the Reincartion MANY USE IT AS A CON....I live in INDIA six months it really is not what you think it is I wish it was..9/11 THE HINDUE aswell muslims were out dancing celebrating not very spiritual..When I was there a cow walked into a mosque the answer was go kill a few hindues and there answer to that lets go kill few muslims I not sure that's karmer....
I really wish it was like you explain maybe it is and I not seen it

Caz, anywhere there are humans, there's bound to be something of this nature. However, because the people are locals there, they know (or should know) the real thing and the tourist trappers.

Please explain what you mean by slave labor and where you got that information. And please show where I can read about Hindus celebrating 9-11. Not sure what you mean by karmer. Regardless of whether it's right or wrong or simply is, karma (both good and bad) is incurred. I think what you are referring to is communal rioting, USUALLY started by the Muslims agitating for something in a selfish or deeply offended manner (in spite of the fact that Dharma is the basis of civilization there, and not Islam), and the Hindus retaliating for being attacked in the first place. In case you don't know or forgot, there is nothing that says you cannot defend yourself, your family and Dharma. That is what Kśatriya is for (Kśatriya is the warrior-administrative-government division of Dharmic society).
Not in New York state, they made these Synthetic Marijuana (really it does not contain any marijuana, just lab chemicals with all unimaginable shyt in it) ILLEGAL as of last year, few years ago NYS passed law which was fruitless because whoever made them would end up change the chemical compound to make it legal again (loophole), so last year that loophole has been plugged shut.

Based on my experience with these nasty shyt... Yes, I tried once and man! it was really really nasty and dangerous.. :barf: , the effect is not same as smoking cannabis, it was rather very nasty... Gawd! Same thing happened during alcohol prohibition which once had fake alcohol with lethal chemicals in it and many have died from them, haven't pro-prohibition noticed that yet?

Don't bother trying them if your in state where it is perfectly legal, your likely not going to like it at all unless your junkie. Its not worth the risk of trying them, wish I had known earlier... damn it!

is it classed as legal high

Oh by the way, Synthetic Marijuana is one of several side effects on Marijuana Prohibition, hence on why Marijuana Prohibition have failed for too long.
Sytnthetic pot is a.result of prohbition. Period.
Real pot, is a very different experience.


(Lights fat joint, of canadas finest real....mmmmmm)