Question to all Deafies?


New Member
Nov 14, 2011
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Hello lovelies!

I'm Kim! I'm a fairly new ASL student. I am a hearie, but I'm becoming more and more immersed in Deaf culture. My question is this: all the Deaf people with the exception of my instructor I have met so far have insisted on speaking English to me while they are signing. I never speak to them, I insist on signing only and fingerspelling if necessary. I don't like to sign and speak. So far They have all been super, super nice and super, super helpful when I forget a sign, or when I make mistakes, which at this stage of the game is quite frequently. I am curious though, as to why they speak English to me. I appreciate the fact that they are doing their best to be helpful to me, but are there other reasons of which I am not aware? Signing only to me would be far more beneficial to me in terms of learning proper ASL, and I really, really want to become fluent. I also want to be polite. Any insights?
I am still learning but I find it helps you get used to reading the signs and not just watching the signs. Does that make sense, you are learning to read a sentence not a series of signs.