Yes - When I would get upset (or when I was really ill etc) I wouldn't speak. Some times I wasn't ABLE to speak (due to frustration, unable to find words etc) and sometimes because I was so angry at having to do all the "communication work" that I'd just "shut off" and make THEM work for a while.
From the time I knew ANY sign when upset I would go "voice off" and switch into using my limited sign vocabulary (started learning individual signs out of SEE & ASL books from the library etc when I was about 7years old). I'm still like that - when I get upset, tired, not feeling well etc - I just don't have the energy or focus for speech/listening ... I flip into ASL (not always the most eloquent if I'm upset etc, but certainly MUCH more understandable than any speech I'd be able to use)
I remember when I was in 7th grade (so 11years old) that I got SO fed up with the "professionals" and teachers that I stopped talking in school for an entire month - I JUST signed (all my answers to my teachers etc with my limited knowledge of signing) - of course no one had a clue what I was saying! I was so tired of being pulled out for hearing tests (the useless school kind) because they thought my hearing might be causing the to fall behind (I guess) - however when I continually asked everyone (parents, teachers, audiologists etc) for support services including being able to learn ASL properly and have interpreters in class, not to mention teachers that didn't talk to the board constantly while also accusing me of "pretending to be deaf" (+120db HL - I don't have to "pretend"!). The reasons they give me for why they couldn't/wouldn't give me any support services varied from that I: "didn't qualify", "they didn't have anything","I needed to listen better"(+120db HL!!!) etc... eventually I just "had enough"
It's interesting to see that I'm not alone in the "voice off" reaction !