Pensions began during decades when the economy was expanding, the labor pool and population was expanding, and labor unions were strong. Politicians promised public workers nice pensions to win their votes, knowing they would be long gone from office before the bill came due.
In present times the labor pool is contracting, the percentage of people working is shrinking, the tax base shrinks while politicians scream that lowering taxes is the answer. Well it isn't. There are no good answers but it's likely that taxes will have to go up as public pensioners are forced to take lower payments, or some will lose their pensions entirely. This will pit neighbor against neighbor.
Recent news: "The agency that delivers retirement benefits to thousands of Los Angeles city employees is looking to scale back its investment projections — a move that could blow a hole in an already precarious municipal budget.
The board that oversees the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System will meet Tuesday to consider cutting its “assumed rate of return,” the yearly expected earnings for its investment portfolio, from 7.5% to 7.25%.
The move is expected to shift about $38 million in retirement costs onto the city’s general fund, which pays for police patrols, firefighter staffing and other basic services, in mid-2018. The pension board also has the option to pursue a more dramatic step: taking the investment assumption to 7%, which would add $93 million to the city’s yearly pension burden, officials said.
City Councilman Paul Koretz, who represents part of the Westside, said he thinks a move to 7% would be “way too extreme” for the city budget."
Can you imagine???? The pension agency asks to lower it's math formula to 7%, which is still at least 2% too high in order to simply be truthful in it's budget. Then the city councilor says we can't do that because it blows up this years budget! He wants the pension people to keep lying so politicians won't have to struggle so much.
Anyway, that kind of thing is happening all over the country and pension administrators continue to make rosy projections of how much interest the funds will earn even when they have not come close to those projections for years. Deeper and deeper in debt.
401ks or IRAs will run the same risks the whole economy runs, but they are the only tools we have.
Do the best you can, then help your neighbors when you can because people in strong, connected communities will survive better than those in communities where people are isolated from one another.