PS3 v.s. Xbox 360


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Which one is better in terms of features, specs, etc? Does anyone have a clue of how much it's going to cost for either one?


P.S. The PS3's controller looks like a boomerang, anybody notice? :mrgreen:
I dunno, it might cost more then 300 dollars I brought a playstation 2 and it cost me almost 200.00....

I like game cube alot better than any playstation and X box since I don't like most of the games they have for those game machines.....

I don't even know if I will buy those for my children, it's depending on what type of games they will have for those new machines that are coming out...

For myself I don't find them cool but I'm sure my boys will think they are.... :lol:
I'd think the PS3 has better features and a better engine. The PS3 has 9 processors clocking at 3.2 GHz in ONE core, they are not like the real computer processors, they're designed for consoles. There's no technology yet that makes it possible to do that on a real computer, though. The PS3 supports 1020p HDTV resolution, AND the PS2 supports 720p (standard HDTV resolution), lot of people don't know that. The GT4 supports 720p. :D

Remember, no matter how fast the console is, the best games are made by great programmers, so the graphics generally look the same on the old xBOX and that 4 year old PS2.
geez...the playstation 3 logo just looks so much like the spider-man movie logo! lol

of course...the PS3 looks just about the same size as the orginal PS2 console.

no biggie, though it obviously will be much more powerful than the orginal PS2 console.

I already own PS2, Xbox, and even GameCube...

but would it be worth to own all three consoles again?

who knows?
Steel said:
but would it be worth to own all three consoles again?
Perhaps almost one thousand dollars?

Funny thing is... E3 is only approx 30 miles away from here and I didn't go there :( I really want to but money and time are not permitted.
Alex said:
Does anyone have a clue of how much it's going to cost for either one?
Everyone, make sure that you have strong heart... if not, do not read this article at all and ignore this post completely. Don't say that I did not warn you :P

Here's article:
May 17, 2005 - According a an article published in the May 17th edition of Japan's Mainichi Shimbun, the PlayStation 3 could be one of the most expensive mass-market videogame consoles ever created. Officials from Sony apparently told the newspaper that PlayStation 3s would sell in Japan for "less than 50,000 yen each." That translates to about $465 US dollars.

Sony unveiled its next-generation console at the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2005. The beast of a machine utilizes the powerful Cell processor, a custom-designed graphics chip by Nvidia, and 512MBs of RAM for a quantum leap in performance. The system will also be the first-ever to support high-def movie-playback out of the box, taking advantage of the upcoming Blu-ray Disc format.
Sony claims that PS3 will be roughly 35 times more powerful than PS2. If Mainichi Shimbun is correct, gamers will be asked to pay a hefty price for the high-end functionality.

IGN was unable to validate this news with Sony officials. Stay tuned for more as the story breaks.

Even though it is unconfirmed but $465? Shit. At least they give us a year to save up the money and buy it... Regardless of price, for me, PS3 will be worth to buy and own.
Less than 24 hours after Microsoft's pre-E3 conference ended, US retailer EB games is already taking pre-orders for Xbox 360 games on its website.

A total of 34 games are listed, including Halo 3, Ultimate Spider-Man and Project Gotham Racing 3, priced at $59.99 each. Except for Dead or Alive 4, oddly, which is the same price as EB's current-gen Xbox titles at $49.99.

All the games have a listed release date of November 1, which EB says is speculative - much like the prices. But if they're on the right track, it looks like we won't have to shell out a great deal more for our next-gen games.

There's no listing for the Xbox 360 itself, and Microsoft is keeping tight-lipped regarding a possible price for the console. Guess we'll just have to wait and see...


$50 - $60 a pop.
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To be honest, I think a new PS3 controller would make me happier because it is a huge benefit for sports and fighter games. It makes people easier to use it and makes them more comforable. I think 20 percents cut to smaller controller or I would be wrong

360- Amazing specs, same but tweaked up controller (thank god), Customizable faceplate etc.

PS3- The Color and style, specs are obviously better than ever...


360- WTF are you thinking? White?

PS3- WTF is that controller?? It looks terrible and horrible!
I've looked at both PS3 and xbox 360.....

Both consoles have their own strengths and weaknesses. If I had to pick either next-gen, I would pick the xbox 360 as I have grown to love playing the original xbox more than I did with the PS2.

Looking forward to PGR3, the Godfather, Test Drive Unlimited and Halo 3 (I hear M$ is planning to release Halo 3 the same day the PS3 hits the streets- talk about stealing Sony's thunder!) on the xbox 360 :)
Yea, I'm more like over xbox 360, due to mos power console and enable to play online over 5k player for one game! Its Huxley! Xbox 360 allow play online with pc gamer as same huxley! I also forward looking other games for xbox 360 too. Still I'm so crazy, walking around the hole in my home and waiting for new, "Morrowind" I forget another name of. Its also best rpg for real way of life in old age. When u start play as level 0, have nothing skills, etc. U have to walk around to find to ur duty, follow, evil/good, etc. Its sound like fable, but morrowind is more real than fable. Anyone who play morrowind pc or xbox before?

Ohterwise, I'll buy both anyway. Because I'm so fond of sony.. My pc is sony, tv is sony, and everything on sony! Heh. That's why I'll buy both, but I prefer frist xbox 360, then ps3.
I proably will get Xbox 360 before Playstation 3 because well, I like to get it in time before Halo 3 hits the release mark...sometime in fall 2006 right? otherwise I'll be getting other titles like Dead or Alive 4 and Quake 4 which are coming to Xbox 360, as I speak.

I was hoping Quake 4 would be going to Xbox instead but nope ID perfer it to be on Xbox 360 well.

What about Nintendo Revloution? don't anybody have the love for Nintendo anymore? lol
Nusentinsaino said:

360- Amazing specs, same but tweaked up controller (thank god), Customizable faceplate etc.

PS3- The Color and style, specs are obviously better than ever...


360- WTF are you thinking? White?

PS3- WTF is that controller?? It looks terrible and horrible!

like other people mentioned about Xbox 360's color, I believe there will be other colors included like Blue or Green or Black, etc... like the limited edition green Xbox bundle with the Halo game and the limited edition blue Xbox bundle with Dead or Alive ulimate (Japan only)

white looks okay although you know the Dreamcast was the only white console ever made by Sega before it died in looks kinda beauiful for some reason but heck it would proably look cooler if it was black or silver or whatever like that.

Playstation 3 will be aviable in three different, silver, and white.

I would proably get the black one when I get the chance sometime. :)
Whoa, I read this

Xbox 360 is more powerful over ps3. I believe that M$ just play game with Sony since. Unitl xbox 360 will full reveal before release xbox 360, I do assume that. Or possible Sony would do same thing? But it provide that anayzling how much speed, gpu, etc- that's overtotal best is xbox 360. Well, I'm waiting unitl both release. Otherwise, xbox 360 will be frist release then ps3 and will be happen to their business will going to be mad race! =)