Pros of Signing only?


New Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Well I was so intrigued by the different responses I got to my question agout oralism, so now I'm curious, what are the pros - or positive sides - to signing only?

And just so ya'll know, I'm not asking in order to make a desicion for my daughter, but because I'm just really curious.
Sign language is a wonderful tool that allows deaf children to express themselves, babies are able to communicate with signs much earlier and some studies/facts shows that children as young as 4-6 months of age can communicate with limited signs and most children loves learning sign language because it's fun and enjoyable for them and many older children love the idea of sign language because they could actually tell secrets without anyone guessing what they're saying or talking about... << I do that sometimes :giggle: and signing helps the deaf children learn to speak more quickly and communicate much easier also .. :)
Sign language is a wonderful deaf to deaf communication mode, and you're dead in the cultural/social water if you don't know it, it's a poor hearing-deaf communication 'though, and makes you dependant.
Passivist said:
Sign language is a wonderful deaf to deaf communication mode, and you're dead in the cultural/social water if you don't know it, it's a poor hearing-deaf communication 'though, and makes you dependant.

I'm sorry but I don't agree with that at all..
^Angel^ said:
I'm sorry but I don't agree with that at all..

You don't agree that signing only makes you become dependant on others to translate for you, or having to rely on slower forms of communicating to a non signing person like writing?

Having said that, to me that is dependance, yet I can see how if someone who has always used those things it would just be a part of life and they might not see it as dependance. :)
I agree.

Signing should be considered a "tool" for communication.

What we sign is different from what we read and write since many of us use ASL. It would be nice to have some oralism or talking to help with other aspects of grammar and communication.
So the other thread was "Pros and Cons of Oralism" - why was this not "Pros and Cons of Sign-only"?
jag said:
You don't agree that signing only makes you become dependant on others to translate for you, or having to rely on slower forms of communicating to a non signing person like writing?

Having said that, to me that is dependance, yet I can see how if someone who has always used those things it would just be a part of life and they might not see it as dependance. :)
So what if it is called being dependant on another party to help with communication. It's better than having miscommunications. I've signed to a deaf person who was using note pad to communicate with a hearing person, I save that person a waste of time. If that makes that person being dependant, be it, I never view it that way, More like helping one person out whenever is needed. Do you have any idea what doing kindness to others means to you? It's nice to have interpreters whenever possible, but I cannot stand people like you who thinks we depends on them like we can't do things for ourselves, Well it's not our fault that we are freggin deaf! Did we ever asked to be deaf?
VamPyroX said:
I agree.

Signing should be considered a "tool" for communication.

What we sign is different from what we read and write since many of us use ASL. It would be nice to have some oralism or talking to help with other aspects of grammar and communication.

No offense here, I prefer to phrase this sentence that way; "It would be nice to have some spoken language to help with other aspects of grammar and communication."
Passivist said:
Sign language is a wonderful deaf to deaf communication mode, and you're dead in the cultural/social water if you don't know it, it's a poor hearing-deaf communication 'though, and makes you dependant.
I agree somewhat..

There is not much of pros of Signing only like ASL only. If the person prefer to go ASL only then it is pretty much dead in water and limited to signer to signer communication.
Angel and Cheri, this thread is about "signing only" no spoken language just sign period. good idea?
ismi said:
So the other thread was "Pros and Cons of Oralism" - why was this not "Pros and Cons of Sign-only"?
I am sure you can discuss the pros and cons of signing only anyway :D
Boult said:
I am sure you can discuss the pros and cons of signing only anyway :D

Boult, I have to say, from the posts I've seen from you - I like you! You bring a humor to your posts, and get your points across without attacking people personally.

Reasons I did pros only, is 1) I figured ya'll would end up giving me both sides anyway. And 2) since my daughter has a CI, for our situation at least, I'm aware of the cons of signing only. And then 3) I have to give a speech for my Public Speaking class on two sides of the same issue and had thought about doing something along the lines of "Why you should do signing only" and "Why you should not do signing only".
I don't think there's ever a "pro" to being monolingual. There may be nothing wrong with it per se but I don't believe there are advantages to having less knowledge.
Boult said:
Angel and Cheri, this thread is about "signing only" no spoken language just sign period. good idea?

Pardon me? Where did I say anything about spoken language? :confused:
Hmmmmm......not having to deal with dumbasses who think you're retarded b/c of your speech? Not having to go through speech therapy (which is tedious and boring)
On the other hand, you could maybe look at oral dhh kids as being dependant on their hearing aids or CIs!
Wow you guys are pretty open-minded. I know a lot of people who consider any level of deaf engaging in speaking as being a terrorist (hearing) plot to destroy their lives. The paranoia of that gets boring really quickly.

hey you are new here, and welcome here and enjoy your stay! yeppers we are open mind too. :)
And Sign language is easy to learn too, Ever seen those toddlers and infant signing 'more', 'milk', 'hurt' and much more. Not only from deaf toddlers or infants but hearing ones too, because it allows an infant to communicate accurately their thoughts, needs and feelings before they can speak. I've read somewhere in an article about how children who signed as babies had higher IQ than those who were non-signing.

Also American Sign Language been introduced to be taught in college as an option of language course, beside Spanish and other language, and in public schools as well.
It is important that kids needs to learn ASL and ORAL both...
