Proper etiquette while driving...


New Member
Sep 27, 2006
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... with a deaf person: Is it considered rude to turn the music all the way up and sing along to it (genuinely enjoying it as well)? I don't sign well enough to carry on a convo with a deaf person who's riding shotgun, BUT-I can belt out a mean version of the Rolling Stones' Gimmie Shelter, lol.:giggle: My point is, I guess I'd feel a bit strange being wrapped up in the music while the person next to me just isn't getting the same experience.

Any other things I ought to know while riding with a deaf person?
Nobody has ever done that to me so I am not sure how I would feel. If I was trying to have a conversation with you and u turned the music up loud to start singing along with the song, yes, I would feel offended.
Whenever I have a hearing or Deaf or HoH passenger, I turn off my radio/CD player. It's just common courtesy.

Unless your passenger requested a serenade or karaoke performance, you should probably restrain yourself. It's not so much whether or not the passenger can hear you sing. It's the idea that your attention (other than what's needed for driving) should be towards your guest. Even if you can't sign together, an occasional glance, nod or smile towards your guest to acknowledge his/her existence would be nice. :)
I don't care of the driver of the car that I am in plays the radio/cd player. In fact, I like it. I don't want people to NOT enjoy music just because I'm deaf.
I think the best thing to do is ask the deaf person, to show them you care how they feel.
I couldn't blast the music while I'm driving anyway, it'd be too much of a distraction, so maybe hearing people don't drive as well because sounds distract us, lol.
It really depends. If I have one Deaf friend in the car with me it is a little difficult to sign and drive at the same time. I always turn the radio off if just one in the car. If there is more than one I keep it on at the regular level and they talk amongst themselves, I don’t feel left out by them doing this either.
It would depend on the environment or the moment.

If it was that person driving alone out on a long stretch of an old country highway where there's no one for miles, fine.

If it was that person driving with another person riding along (who doesn't sing), then it might be rude since it's more polite to hold a pleasant conversation than to go hollering off the top of your lungs to some song that this passenger is clueless about.

If it was that person driving along, but in traffic or with people around them... it would make that driver look like an idiot moving their mouths like some retard (windows closed) or be considered disturbing the peace (windows opened).

I don't sing to music out loud. If I know the lyrics, I'll simply lip-sync. :)
I blast my music occasionally, but I never have the radio on when I'm in a vehicle with another person.
Interesting thought because I've been in this situation as a passenger. The driver was stone deaf - the music was blaring LOUD - like needles in my ears. She liked the strong vibrations, I suppose. I winced all the way. I do like feeling music in the car, as long as it's not too loud and hurt my ears. Merlin forbid should a hearing passenger get into the car with my "deaf" tone friend! ;)