Professional training to the deaf community


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
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Hi, everyone:

I'm not sure to which forum I should post this message, so forgive me if it should be posted elsewhere; maybe the forum moderators can help. I would like to offer free professional training to members of the deaf community, no strings attached. Maybe I can explain...

My company is a small startup that offers interactive online training in business communication - elements of good writing, electronic communication, career communication, report and proposal writing, presentations, and so on. Each of our nine 4-week courses are delivered online; however, class interaction is key to our program. We have created an ego-less environment in which professionals from around the world interact and learn together.

We ran a beta trial of our courses earlier in the year, and the trial was very successful. We are now launching our program for real - exciting times for us! For sure, in these early months, we will not fill all the 'seats' in each class, yet each class needs a minimum number of participants for the dynamics to work well. To get around this problem, we have decided to launch a free training initiative.

Each month for the rest of this year, we will allocate a number of free seats in our training courses. We will offer these seats to people from four specific communities, one of which is the deaf community. Free training really means free training. It will cost nothing to participate other than a weekly commitment of six hours spent on class activities. Not only does this initiative allow us to fill empty seats, but it also allows our company to live out its core values.

In an age of scams and fraudsters, it is proving difficult for me to prove to some that our offer is genuine. If you have any doubts, you should check us out as a company (I've posted a link to our website at the end of this message). You'll find contact information at that site, and I would be pleased to answer any questions by phone or by email.

If you are interested in our offer of free training in business communication, do contact us. We will guarantee a minimum of 20 free seats each month, and some months there may be more than that (remember, though, that we are making the same offer to three other communities).

Thanks for reading this message. I hope that our offer will benefit members of the deaf community.



"Excellence in communication!"
A brief update

We now mention our offer of free training at our home page. Feel free to visit our website.

If you live in south Florida, you may hear about our offer on a local radio station. Contact me for further information.

Our next interactive online course begins on Saturday, August 13. If you'd like to participate at no cost, please contact me via our website before that date. We will run our 4-week introductory course again from September 17.


"Excellence in communication!"
Forgive me for posting one more update. Our company, the Global Online Learning & Development Center, Inc., is now a member of the Better Business Bureau of Greater Atlanta. If you were not convinced before of the genuineness of our offer of free professional training, I hope that our membership in this prestigious organization will convince you. Please visit for more information. Read about our offer of free training at our company website (which appears below in my signature).

With best wishes to all readers of this message.


"Excellence in communication!"