Private Message Storage

:rofl: funny thread... yep i noticed now up to 125.. I was like wow good idea so everyone don't hav eto have small stroage to use for emails so.. thanks alex! :thumb:
Thanks Alex and Roadrunner. That is pretty fair. :thumb:
You're all very welcome and am glad to see that Alex was kind and nice enough to add more for all the members!

The moments of: *sifting thru the PM's*

First step: Got a 'pm'--
Second step: Read 'em--
Third step: store it--
Fourth step: re-read 'em--
Fifth step: should I delete or not?
Sixth step: saved ones gets saved longer--
Seventh step: Approaching limit...time to start pulling on the hairdo!
Eighth step: Go back to step two--

Ahhhh...ain't life grand when it goes in cycles?! :lol:

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