PREVIEW: Artkunst: The Movie


Premium Member
Mar 12, 2003
Reaction score
Inspired by Bbnt's Soap Opera tales at AllDeaf

Artkunst: The Movie

A Film By the Oscar®-winning Director, Banjo (The Moderator of the Movies section)

Cast: The Members of Artkunst

Written, Produced and Directed by the Oscar®-winning Director, Banjo.

OSCAR® is the registered trademark and service mark, the copyrighted property, of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

I am currently writing Artkunst: The Movie. It is my goal to make it a complete story with all connections made.

So far, there are at least 6 scenes written already. I am giving three small samples from the three first scenes I wrote.


Scene 1: The Kangaroo Situation

Freaky: Since I have a degree in law, I can replace your lawyer! I feel I can win the case for you!

Katzie: Err... oh it's better than having a male lawyer who use the Chewbacca theory in all of his trial cases!

Liza: What about me? Can I help?

Freaky: You can be my legal aide if you want to be!

Liza: Wow, now I finally make my coffee-pouring skills useful!

Scene 2: Bowak and the Raiders of the Lost Arks

*In Slow-Motion... Bowak run to the door... Beach Ball getting closer and closer... in such a tension... Bowak is sweating and struggling to get out of the house through the door*

Scene 3: The Mystery of Oreo Cookies

NotSoFreaky: Well, I'm not sure but I heard something about Oreo cookies.

Freaky: Curious... Very Curious....

NotSoFreaky: Why do you always act like that when I mention the Oreo cookies?

Freaky: Curious... Very Curious...

Now that you've read the samples, if you want to read more. You'll have to find it somewhere else.

My stories are staying exclusive to the place I write for.

*hint, hint*
They're just samples, you'll have to go somewhere else to read the WHOLE scenes.

Just ask people around, and maybe you'll know where to find them.
UGH! I think I've joined enough forums. Heh. I know there's a forum at Artkunst. ;) bad, Banjo! :P If any of you are interested in knowing the rest of the stories -- you'll need to search around and find the site! ;)