Practical Jokes


New Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I recently talked with a friend of mine and somehow we started talking about practical jokes. Looking back, I'm astonished at what I managed to do with my free time as a kid. Here are some of my practical jokes I did (just to name a few):

*A teacher was being a real jerk, warning us not to cheat on his test (the next day was test day). He was upsetting a lot of the students with his preaching and accusations. He said, "If you put the answers on you, make sure you can't see it!" (Which is just stupid). So after school, I convinced nearly everyone in my class (of course there were a couple of girls who went all holier-than-thou on us and didn't participate..pffft them) to help me make something. The next morning, we all (except for the losers) showed up with our T-shirts that we made...the answers were on the back of the shirts! There was a flaw with the system: The kids who sat at the front were screwed since they couldn't see the answers, lol. So we put the smart ones up there. The teacher kept a straight face for about 1 minute before he cracked up and laughed hard until tears were streaming down his face. Then he finally stopped...looked right at me and sent me to the principal's office

* Glued dollar coins and quarters on the pavement at an nursing home. It was so funny watching old people try to pick up the coins! (I'm going to Hell for this very reason).

*Switched out door knobs of the principal's was so funny watching him try to put the key in and it wouldn't work (of course!)

*Snuck into the school at night and turned all of the posters in a teacher's room upside down, reversing the furniture arrangements, etc. Needless to say, the teacher "flipped out."

*Hid the keys to the school bus on a field trip so we wouldn't return to school earlier as planned

*Made a huge banner with "Congrats on having a baby!" for a teacher (there was a couple who was married) in his room with blue and pink balloons - he nearly fainted (as he didn't know he was having a baby) and then nearly fainted again when we told him...JUST KIDDING!

What about you? Any good practical jokes you've tried? I need some good ideas. :naughty:
Well, the only thing I remember as far as practical jokes when I was a kid was when we were at my parents boat and my brother and sister had me convinced she cut her pinky toe off.

right now when I walk by my son in the mornings, I turn around quickly and growl like a monster. He jumps then laughs really hard ( I think I posted that b/4 now that I think about it.)

I like reading yours, though, very funny! Can't wait to read other's.
The only one I ever did was to change the salt shaker to sugar once on April fools day. I got in so much trouble, I never had the desire to do another.
bajagal ... :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Oh my! you were a mischievous child!

The only lame idea I know of is ... when the potato chip bag is empty, is to blow into the bag gently to give the impression there are still some chips in it and roll down the top & put a clip on it . My adult daughter still does it to us ... has been a long running joke between us and it never fails! :lol:
Putting peanut butter on doorknobs, thrashing someone's bathroom with dishwasher soap and they have no clue until one slipped and got all soapy, (wasn't my idea but I joined them doing it) condoms on doorknobs, fake spiders in someone's bed under covers...oops
At RIT when I lived in Perkins, I put my plush skunk into someone else's bed in the apartment. He didn't notice it. The other person I lived with and I had planned it the May before when I ordered the skunk. Then later that year, I saw an actual skunk at Perkins.
When I was young there was a group going on a trip for the weekend and I got tricked and learn that from my cousin. I used it the following year and year after that. Make the bed and use the top sheet fold it half to make it look like bed was made. When a person tried to get into the bed and realized they cant get their legs in at all. LOL

One holloween nite and I went out to trick and treating. When I got home and checked out my candies. I had some candy in my hand and my mom look at it and said "Is that M&M and I said yep. She took it and put it in her mouth. Next thing she knew it wasnt M&M it was reeses pieces cuz she hate peanut butter. All of her kids laughed so hard.

One xmas my brother and I brought my mom a microwave oven for xmas. It was a huge box and she was thinking that I put some rocks in the box since I did tht to someone else a few week before for the party. So when she opened the box and realized it was microwave oven. She screamed.

One Easter morning, my brother, sister and I got our mom a easter basket. We told her to go look for it. She went everywhere in the house to find it and couldnt find it. She sat down and cleaned her glasses and put it back on. Then she stands up and saw the basket was being there the whole time that she didnt see it. She screamed. It wasnt hard to find cuz it was right front of her and she didnt see it.