PostPartnum Depression - Brooke Shields



Im really shocked at Cruise attacking Shields!!!!!!! I suffered from postpartnum depression after each of my daughter's births. I had to take medication for it as it was crippling. I couldnt do it alone but needed medical help. I cant believe that he thinks he has a right to criticize Shield's advice. He never had a baby himself to know what post partnum depression is all about. :ugh:
Tom Cruise Blasts Brooke Shields's Advice

Tom Cruise has some harsh words for Brooke Shields about how she coped with depression.

The War of the Worlds star, who had a tiny role 24 years ago in Shields's movie romance Endless Love, condemns the actress's admission in her new book, " Down Came the Rain," that she took medication to cope with postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter Rowan.

" I care about Brooke Shields because I think she is an incredibly talented women, (but) look at where has her career gone," he tells Access Hollywood in an interview.

Cruise, an ardent advocate of Scientology, which condemns mind-altering prescriptions of any kind, says: " When someone says (medication) has helped them, it is to cope, it didn't cure anything. There is no science. There is nothing that can cure them whatsoever."

Instead, Cruise, 41, suggests that women take " vitamins and exercise," and warns that what Shields is promoting is " irresponsible." Despite this, he adds, " I wish her well in life."

As for her career, Cruise says: " Look, is she happy? Is she really happy?"

Shield's rep have not commented on the matter. But as New York's Daily News reports, Shields's professional life appears to be fine. The former Suddenly Susan star, who turns 40 at the end of this month, is currently headlining the London West End revival of Chicago.
05/24/2005 14:35
Oh, this makes me angry. Who is he to judge? :pissed:

There are several things she could have done to treat her illness. Vitamins and exercise might play a role, and might've helped, but each postpartum depression is different, and the same treatment doesn't work for everybody. She had the right to decide for herself what was best for her, and he doesn't have the right to comment on it. Afterall, the treatment she chose seems to have worked for her, so TC can just go f*ck himself! :mrgreen:
It may be easy on Tom's part to judge Brooke when he hasn't gone thru the postpartum depression after the birth and he's never been pregnant, I don't think he ever will :lol:

Some people judge others too much and they don't stop and think twice before saying something they have not yet experiences it themselves... :(
I realize that folks who follow Scientology does not believe in traditional medicines etc. I really dont understand why Scientology is against that. I guess I ll have to do more research to understand why Cruise attacked Shields.
Meg said:
I realize that folks who follow Scientology does not believe in traditional medicines etc. I really dont understand why Scientology is against that. I guess I ll have to do more research to understand why Cruise attacked Shields.

I don't think it matters, Meg. He was wrong. It's wasn't his choice to make, so he should have just kept his mouth shut about it. It really doesn't matter what his beliefs are. They don't apply, because, not his choice to make.
I heard rumors that TC is bisexual. And he won't come out.
And since he knows so much... why he divorced 2 or 3 times...
have many women.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I heard rumors that TC is bisexual. And he won't come out.
And since he knows so much... why he divorced 2 or 3 times...
have many women.

He just got engaged.
Meg said:
I realize that folks who follow Scientology does not believe in traditional medicines etc. I really dont understand why Scientology is against that. I guess I ll have to do more research to understand why Cruise attacked Shields.

yea that was correct. Tom is just jerky.
Meg said:
I realize that folks who follow Scientology does not believe in traditional medicines etc. I really dont understand why Scientology is against that. I guess I ll have to do more research to understand why Cruise attacked Shields.
I don't know anything about Scientology, actually it is new to me... I will research on that one later but what is your defintion of traditional medicine?

I can understand where Tom Cruise is coming from with that philosophy, like him, I don't believe in modern medicine either. I don't think the modern medicine ever cure anything... btw, my perception of "cure" is different from other people.

But Tom Cruise is wrong to bash her like that. It is ungentlemanly thing for him to do that. If it works for Brooke then great. However, I am curious about her book, "Down Came the Rain" though and I think it will be on my next list to order.
Magatsu said:
I don't know anything about Scientology, actually it is new to me... I will research on that one later but what is your defintion of traditional medicine?

I can understand where Tom Cruise is coming from with that philosophy, like him, I don't believe in modern medicine either. I don't think the modern medicine ever cure anything... btw, my perception of "cure" is different from other people.

But Tom Cruise is wrong to bash her like that. It is ungentlemanly thing for him to do that. If it works for Brooke then great. However, I am curious about her book, "Down Came the Rain" though and I think it will be on my next list to order.

I guess that what I meant by traditional medicine was like to take anti depressants such as Paxil, Prozac, Effexor, Celexa, etc for post partnum depression. Granted, it is not a perfect idea but when you are dealing with newborn and being overwhelmed etc in the first few months, any help will do it! I couldnt do it alone after a few weeks..was having crying spells etc. It is important for a new mother to relax and focus on bonding with the baby, not coping with depression that will eventually go away.
I have nothing against the choice you made. As I stated above, if it works for you then great! I was just implying that I personally don't believe in modern medicine, that's all.

More reason why I am rooting for women's rights ever since teenager. We, men don't have women's body and we did not go through the certain emotional stages that women had been experienced or/will be experience... That's a reason I was disappointed by Tom for slammed Brooke like that.
I was extremely pissed off when I first heard about it the other day. Brooke Shield doesn't want the career right now because she wants to be a stay at home mom for awhile. Why is Tom worried about her and her career? sheesh Tom needs to be in her shoes to be able to understand what its like dealing with post partum depression. If I were him, I would keep my opinion to myself. This guy just turns me off.
Dang, in my wild and wooly days, when the cops said anything I say could be held against me, I would say her name. Times, they are achanging, huh?
Let's not forget that the MSM (Mainstream Media) often take people's comments out of context. These articles can be quite misleading, and honestly... who cares what Tom Cruise said?

Everybody are entitled to their opinions.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I heard rumors that TC is bisexual. And he won't come out.
And since he knows so much... why he divorced 2 or 3 times...
have many women.

Did you know that Tom Cruise has dyslexia? He memorized all of his lines instead of reading and studying them.

To be on topic, I didn't know he's bisexual. I knew he was married to Nicole Kidman once.
Nancy said:
Did you know that Tom Cruise has dyslexia? He memorized all of his lines instead of reading and studying them.

To be on topic, I didn't know he's bisexual. I knew he was married to Nicole Kidman once.

No, it was just a rumour. Actually, it was started by a gay porno star who tried to claim that Tom Cruise had sex with him and had the proof... or so he said. That one didn't fly off the ground.
there goes another one

I always shake my head when I read comments by men, regarding something that is STRICTLY a female experience. :slap:
loml said:
I always shake my head when I read comments by men, regarding something that is STRICTLY a female experience. :slap:

Men will be men.
It's sad to see things...

Myself was victim of PostPartnum Depression after 2nd birth, I fought my own way... I fell in heavy set being overweight.. The weight scale I topped almost over was 385 pounds.. I lost some when I married to 2nd.. and fell in wrong hands that I went through domestic violences... I think that my PostPartnum Depression stepped away and went through the emotions and physically, that I went through domestic violences.. I lost exemterely weights, was AA too. Till my cop friend gave me choices to be there for the kids or go jail... (that I passed out on the shoulder in the car..) I decided to take AA classes and be there for my kids... My PostPartnum Depression came back on and off, I fought on my own by doing different things. If I feel that I am in that situations. I let my man know that I feel this or that.. we changed many things to keep my self esteems or spirits to be positive.. because I dont want any of this effect my kids.. that's important..

I always advices to my friends who is going through PostPartnum Depression, dont leave the kids in wrong hands... give kids to family or family friend.. for short few days.. if the more days you take off, the other people might turn against you.. while you take break few days.. go on walking trail, try to change diet eatting.. because the bad habit eatting has chemicals that effect your mind... always go with your heart to follow.. Kids are number 1, that you really want to be there and love them.. also, join health or excerise place that have child care...or.. ask neighbor to watch kids for less couple hours, while you go out for food shopping or your needs.. or go exercise.. it helps to imbalance your chemicals and mind.. myself dont believe in medications.. but get family counseling too.. not just for yourself.. get the kids involve too to make family work and for the best... go on happy life.. :)

For all the PostPartnum Depression victims-- I bid you all the best and well.. :ily: