Post your experiences here!


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Jan 15, 2006
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Post all about your love stories, how do you know if she likes you or if he likes you and methods of asking a person :naughty: out on a date or hooking up. Have fun! :naughty:
:lol: Well, what about ya ? Let's hear what you have since you created this thread. :D
Well, I know that if a girl makes eye-contact or touches you, chances she likes you. I once dated a hearing girl that never did any of those, I was so happy, I finally had a G/F that I didn't follow my own advice and she ended up cheating on me. *sobs*
My husband (well, back then he was not my husband) met me at his work where there was a deaf pizza night. He just came up and asked me for my name since I was the only person in that crowded room that he didn't know. Made a small chat. "What school? Oh. You live here all your life? Aha. Nice to meet you." Nothing big. As it was getting late, some people were just standing in a circle, talking, telling jokes/stories, whatever to reinforce the typical DST attributions... that was when he got the first impression of who I really am.
I caught one of his friends asking him (my husband) "who is that blonde girl's name?" whilst pointing at me... A little vixen in me decided to be brazen and replied: "Why don't you ask me for MY name? I am right HERE-- three feet away from you... what's the matter? Don't have guts to ask a girl?" That person was stumbled and just nervously laughed while everybody else in the group laughed at him, including my husband.
My husband liked that. A girl with an attitude. I was... somebody different.
After that night, we bumped into each other and occassionally chatted together at various places where Deaf people gather together. But neither of us asked for our email addresses or anything. But as the fate had it, he found my profile on "Ringo" (which concept is very similar to "myspace") and saw my screenname which he took the first step to instant-message me. We were totally flirting and all that-- all ga-ga over each other. We happened to discuss about food and how to cook-- love or hate it. I told him that I cannot cook at all. I only can microwave...! He said he cannot cook but there are ways to make a good meal! "It all requires water"...and he subtly asked me if I want him to teach me how to cook just with water. I took on his offer-- I said: "when?"
And they live happily ever after... !

;) So to have a quirky/unique attitude and be brazen/confident helps you to stand out against all other wallflowers. However, for some people just a TAD too much may scare them away. But at least you are filtering out those people who cannot handle you-- and those who can handle you will last longer. :) I cannot imagine to contain myself just to make the person feeling comfortable... com'on! BE YOURSELF. It works.
Whoa that's a cool story, don't you wish people would hurry up and post here so we can laugh or go aww at their stories.
I met the nicest person in the whole world and because I am with him, he makes me a nicer person too.

A lot of people will tell you having a good relationship is "hard work." If you ask me, if you are good to eachother and respect and love eachother, it should not be all that "hard".
Well first guy I met at college, he likes me, but I ignored him, he kept hugging me, ugh!!!

And then met another guy at another college, he wanted to learn to get to know me, but I just wanted to get laid, that's it.

And then other guy, I broke his heart.

Then other guys, and then guy at csun, he hugged me, but I was being cold and cruel to him.

And then guy in Mississippi, I threw him away and block him from my life.

I didn't really give a man a chance to love me and let them do nice things for me.

Only thought about was myself, didn't care if I hurt them. Love? Pfft!!!!

Is this off topics?
thewinterknight said:
Well, I know that if a girl makes eye-contact or touches you, chances she likes you. I once dated a hearing girl that never did any of those, I was so happy, I finally had a G/F that I didn't follow my own advice and she ended up cheating on me. *sobs*

Well, you already read others' posts all over this AD. I think it should be a good enough for ya. :D

If, my bf ever cheats on me - oh, boy ... he will NEVER see me again. FYI, I am tough - I don't play headgames. :)
asking someone out

Asking someone out is the easy part for directly ask them out, or you could flirt a whole lot-be coy and wait for them to ask you out. Don't play games, they are reserved for high-schoolers in lust. Remember the whipped cream...hand cuffs..and a sense of humor in the whole dating scene. And most of all, be yourself! :naughty:
good question about that posts

i meet my boyfriend in MS and his name is Jeffrey and he really nice guys i meet him dating online and he read my profiles and im enjoying chat with him online chat include AIM and Yahoo messanger and my mom meet him and his parents also but im really like his parents.

he and me been discussing about marriages and family in the futures but he and me been dating for 4 months.

i told my mom about that my boyfriend? and my mom really like that my Jeffrey?

he really busyman at Wal-mart overnight and he become team leader he told me and he become boss as team leader under of general manager but im really proud of him to become promotion of his jobs at wal-mart but he never leave his jobs at walmart he told me about that jobs.

and im chat with him on e-mail everyday and he never receive my e-mail when he was busy at walmart and i send messages and im exchanges my e-mail from my excite to yahoo e-mail to my boyfriend and he wanted me to using e-mail and chat on the online and e-mail both than excite e-mail i told him i says okay!

im trust of my boyfriend what he talking about it and he tell me everythings about it i love him lots because he was long distance from me.
With me it usual happen during as being friends. I've met all my ex boyfriend from just being their friend at first, feeling develop and lead to another which higher level of friendship. I don't pick up guys just when they walk past, I usual get to know them well enough to see if he is for me as a boyfriend or if he is just for me as a friend. I look within them as if they are really honest, I would know right there that this person is someone I wanna be with, but I take my time before jumping into something serious that I might regret later. I've been in a lot of relationship through half of my life, I've gotten to know the pro and cons in realtionships what I've learned when I was with each of them. There were good guys and there were bad guys. Yes, I've broke some of their hearts but within reasons, I broke one guy's heart for one wrong reason, because of my history with my ex that cheat on me, I thought all men cheat. I lost trust in men, but I found out I was wrong, not every man cheats. Most guys broke my heart more than I broke their hearts. :(
BCCDeafInfo said:
I met the nicest person in the whole world and because I am with him, he makes me a nicer person too.

A lot of people will tell you having a good relationship is "hard work." If you ask me, if you are good to eachother and respect and love eachother, it should not be all that "hard".

i must agree
I was waiting for my friends by the hallway at the ballroom when I was in H.S. Those two girls were talking to two guys from other school. Somehow, one gal asked one of guys if he can go with her to dance but that guy asked me instead of them but the other guy wanted me, too. I was shocked as I didn't expect all the sudden happened so fast, lol. That guy didn't give up begged me to go with him to dance. And then after all, I left as I never forget how much he kept bothering me. That's how I liked about this guy who really did like me. The more he came up to me in every each time, it made me more attention to him than I'd never thought he was a man in my dream.
My love story? It's really long...

Still want to hear it?
VamPyroX said:
My love story? It's really long...

Still want to hear it?
Sure why not...just for Valentine's Day why doesn't everyone share their own love story..I'm such a sap for that stuff....Tell the tales people...I want my vicarious warm fuzzies