Police dress up as construction workers to catch distracted drivers


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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COBB COUNTY, Ga. — Some drivers call it sneaky, but one metro police department says going undercover is an effective way to bust drivers texting, tweeting or checking emails behind the wheel.

Marietta Police dressed up as a construction crew at a busy Cobb County intersection Wednesday to catch distracted drivers in the act

Most drivers paid no attention to the road crew, but the crew wasn't radioing in survey readings -- they were busting distracted drivers.

“What we've done here is we're able to put officers in the roads so we're able to get close enough almost inside their cars so we can look down and see exactly what they're doing on their phones,” said Marietta police Officer Nick Serkedakis.Police say making good distracted driving cases are tough because it is often challenging to figure out exactly what the driver is doing in the car. This way, their cases are much stronger.

"It doesn't matter if you're stopped at a light, if you're on a public thoroughfare and facing the phone we're going to have a conversation with you,” Serkedakis said.

Many pulled over couldn't believe they were getting busted while sitting at a light, so police had to spend time explaining the law to some skeptics.

“Anytime you're in the road, in the roadway, you're in gear and in control of the roadway. Even reading it falls under the code section as well,” one officer told a driver.

"If you're driving and texting and driving and trying to read (that’s a problem), but if you're situated and stopped just trying to confirm an address, I don't think that's a problem,” said driver Al Morrison, who was pulled over by officers Wednesday.

The tickets are $150 and one point on your license. Police say texting and driving is a growing problem that needs to stop.

"I really think this is the DUI of the future. Impairment is still a problem, but this distracted driving is killing as many people as drunk drivers,” Serkedakis said.

Hmm... not sure ... but isn't this flirting with entrapment?
This could backfire in the worst way , men dress as construction workers and pull people over to commit a crime . How will people know if it really a police stopping them or someone pretending to be one dress as a construction worker ?
Hmm... not sure ... but isn't this flirting with entrapment?

no. a police entrapment is to encourage a person to commit a crime. for ie - undercover cop dressing as a drug addict approaching to a person to buy a drug. it would be a police entrapment if the undercover cop initiated a deal first.

so in this case - they did no such thing.
no. a police entrapment is to encourage a person to commit a crime. for ie - undercover cop dressing as a drug addict approaching to a person to buy a drug. it would be a police entrapment if the undercover cop initiated a deal first.

so in this case - they did no such thing.

I agree , the police are not encouraging people to text etc will driving , I wish something was done in my city . It's really bad I see people texting and driving all the time.
background story in this video - a covert police officer riding around to catch drivers texting

no. a police entrapment is to encourage a person to commit a crime. for ie - undercover cop dressing as a drug addict approaching to a person to buy a drug. it would be a police entrapment if the undercover cop initiated a deal first.

so in this case - they did no such thing.

Not sure what y'all call it then.... cops cannot be hidden out here... not if they are targeting you. They have to be out in the open... otherwise... it is considered entrapment here... maybe the word is wrong... but the meaning behind the rest stands... if a cop, seeking speeders has to be visible... then why would cops seeking distracted drivers, not have to be visible when they a seeking such closness...
And you say they don't like being filmed? Fair is Fair
Not sure what y'all call it then.... cops cannot be hidden out here... not if they are targeting you. They have to be out in the open... otherwise... it is considered entrapment here... maybe the word is wrong... but the meaning behind the rest stands... if a cop, seeking speeders has to be visible... then why would cops seeking distracted drivers, not have to be visible when they a seeking such closness...

you're thinking of speed trap. many people are confused about this. cops CAN hide to catch a speeder but what makes it an illegal/controversial speed trap? it's where cop takes advantage of a certain location to easily catch a speeder - unusually high number of tickets at certain location.

speed trap can be illegal/controversial where the road is illogically set at too low speed limit or where the speed limit is suddenly set low (ie. from 55mph speed limit to 25mph at certain road).

cops enforcing public safety by covert means such as pedestrian crossing, dressing as construction worker to nab texters, and bait car are perfectly legal. so is DUI checkpoints.
you're thinking of speed trap. many people are confused about this. cops CAN hide to catch a speeder but what makes it an illegal/controversial speed trap? it's where cop takes advantage of a certain location to easily catch a speeder - unusually high number of tickets at certain location.

speed trap can be illegal/controversial where the road is illogically set at too low speed limit or where the speed limit is suddenly set low (ie. from 55mph speed limit to 25mph at certain road).

cops enforcing public safety by covert means such as pedestrian crossing, dressing as construction worker to nab texters, and bait car are perfectly legal. so is DUI checkpoints.

Not saying you are wrong...just working out the legal loopholes that I am missing :)
Okay, you say they can hide... but my understanding is they cannot. They have to be visible, cannot follow you more than a mile nor after a turn or two, cannot be in parking lots car lots or the like, and I am missing quite a few... generally I do not care be cause I do not break the law... but I am a curious person and whwn I find I am wrong I like to understand.
Now while those are correct, they can have unmarked cars and even incognito cars. One time we used to have old rust buckets that were actually cops posted around... but this was stopped and called intrapment.
My queation is where is the difference? Is it location and the different laws or a defining difference that I am missing?
It's not entrapment because the disguised cops weren't encouraging drivers to text.

"In any case, officers may not use methods of entrapment—the act of encouraging motorists to break the law—in order to induce an arrest. Although the act of hiding by police officers often is called entrapment, that is not the case. If you are speeding, the fact that the officer was hidden from view is irrelevant if you were not influenced by the officer to exceed the speed limit."

See more at: http://traffic.findlaw.com/traffic-tickets/are-speed-traps-legal-.html#sthash.wSttsWZp.dpuf