This is the first time I've started a thread on AllDeaf.
I have found it hard to find good information about social security disability.
Over time I accumulated a number of pointers to good websites. Some of these pointers can be reached by surfing around the official SSA website at Social Security Online .... some I have found elsewhere.
Hopefully a few people will find this list useful.
Hopefully others may contribute their own pointers as replies to this thread.
Perhaps wholley hopelessly hopefull, we can manage to avoid replies expressing personal opinions on the pros and cons of being on SSDI or SSI, and thread drift.
Anyway, here are my pointers:
If you haven't already gone web-surfing at the official SSA website:
Social Security Online
you haven't been trying very hard.
I haven't included pointers to the most obvious ones under Social Security Online 'cause they are so easy to find
Official Social Security Answers to Your Questions
Find An Answer to Your Question (Page 1 of 29)
Note that this takes you to the first of 29 pages of questions and answers!
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2005
Interesting....shows stats on hearing impairments, chances of getting approved, etc
Overall, very useful to read if you are having trouble sleeping at night...will knock you right out.
Stats for 2005 seem to be the latest as of can change "2005" in the pointer to an earlier year to get that years stats...prolly will be able to change to "2006" "2007" etc in the future to get the most recent version
The Advantage of Establishing a Period of Disability
The Advantage of Establishing a Period of Disability
you can google "disability freeze" for more info...
also see:
Hope this pointer looks like it would choke a horse
COBRA Continuation Of health Benefits After Employment
Practical Tips When Going on Disability
Tips When Going On Disability
20 CFR, PART 404-
from e-CFR, current as of November 18, 2005
[for a more up-to-date version go to: GPO Home Page
and for the most recent new regulations go to:]
Tips When Going On Disability
Above pointers go to illuminating SSA rules, regulations, and procedures
Online Social Security Handbook
Social Security Handbook
How Much of Your Disability Benefits are Taxable?
Taxable Benefits - Social Security Disability
as always, consult a tax expert and/or double-check rules and facts, such as at:
which is IRS Publication 915 Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits for use in preparing 2006 returns
Publication 907 (2006), Tax Highlights for Persons with Disabilities
which is IRS Publication 907 (2006), Tax Highlights for Persons with Disabilities
Improving the Social Security Decision Process
Improving the Social Security Disability Decision Process
Interesting overview and analysis
How To Apply For SSDI Step-By-Step
Social Security Disability - How To Apply For SSDI Step-By-Step
written by someone who has been there, done that.
Otolaryngologic examination
The SSA disability evaluation process for hearing impairments include an otolaryngologic examination (what the heck is that? Can't say it, can't spell it!)
This article details the kind of thing an Ear/Nose/Throat (ENT) doctor MIGHT look for...then again he might just look for ear wax before a hearing test
Does Social Security give backpay to everyone approved for disability?
Self-Help Guide: Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits
Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits - A Self-Help Guide (Part 2 of 5)
Interesting detailed guide, is 5 parts, some parts have multiple pages, I couldn't find part 1
Disability Evaluation Under Social Security
(Blue Book- June 2006)
2.00 Special Senses and Speech - Adult
lists testing and reporting requirements for hearing impairment, then, further down, lists the degrees of hearing impairment that qualify a person immediately for disability without further ado.
There is also a section for children, but you have to go up a webpage then click on the childhood (part b) link.
Social Security Program Rules Home Page. Very interesting, includes links to things like current program rules including the law; regulations, commissioner rulings, and employee operating instructions.
Social Security Online - Regulations
"How Do We Decide if You are Disabled?" from the SSA Disability Redbook
Social Security Online - The Red Book
I have found it hard to find good information about social security disability.
Over time I accumulated a number of pointers to good websites. Some of these pointers can be reached by surfing around the official SSA website at Social Security Online .... some I have found elsewhere.
Hopefully a few people will find this list useful.
Hopefully others may contribute their own pointers as replies to this thread.
Perhaps wholley hopelessly hopefull, we can manage to avoid replies expressing personal opinions on the pros and cons of being on SSDI or SSI, and thread drift.
Anyway, here are my pointers:
If you haven't already gone web-surfing at the official SSA website:
Social Security Online
you haven't been trying very hard.
I haven't included pointers to the most obvious ones under Social Security Online 'cause they are so easy to find
Official Social Security Answers to Your Questions
Find An Answer to Your Question (Page 1 of 29)
Note that this takes you to the first of 29 pages of questions and answers!
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2005
Interesting....shows stats on hearing impairments, chances of getting approved, etc
Overall, very useful to read if you are having trouble sleeping at night...will knock you right out.
Stats for 2005 seem to be the latest as of can change "2005" in the pointer to an earlier year to get that years stats...prolly will be able to change to "2006" "2007" etc in the future to get the most recent version
The Advantage of Establishing a Period of Disability
The Advantage of Establishing a Period of Disability
you can google "disability freeze" for more info...
also see:
Hope this pointer looks like it would choke a horse
COBRA Continuation Of health Benefits After Employment
Practical Tips When Going on Disability
Tips When Going On Disability
20 CFR, PART 404-
from e-CFR, current as of November 18, 2005
[for a more up-to-date version go to: GPO Home Page
and for the most recent new regulations go to:]
Tips When Going On Disability
Above pointers go to illuminating SSA rules, regulations, and procedures
Online Social Security Handbook
Social Security Handbook
How Much of Your Disability Benefits are Taxable?
Taxable Benefits - Social Security Disability
as always, consult a tax expert and/or double-check rules and facts, such as at:
which is IRS Publication 915 Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits for use in preparing 2006 returns
Publication 907 (2006), Tax Highlights for Persons with Disabilities
which is IRS Publication 907 (2006), Tax Highlights for Persons with Disabilities
Improving the Social Security Decision Process
Improving the Social Security Disability Decision Process
Interesting overview and analysis
How To Apply For SSDI Step-By-Step
Social Security Disability - How To Apply For SSDI Step-By-Step
written by someone who has been there, done that.
Otolaryngologic examination
The SSA disability evaluation process for hearing impairments include an otolaryngologic examination (what the heck is that? Can't say it, can't spell it!)
This article details the kind of thing an Ear/Nose/Throat (ENT) doctor MIGHT look for...then again he might just look for ear wax before a hearing test
Does Social Security give backpay to everyone approved for disability?
Self-Help Guide: Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits
Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits - A Self-Help Guide (Part 2 of 5)
Interesting detailed guide, is 5 parts, some parts have multiple pages, I couldn't find part 1
Disability Evaluation Under Social Security
(Blue Book- June 2006)
2.00 Special Senses and Speech - Adult
lists testing and reporting requirements for hearing impairment, then, further down, lists the degrees of hearing impairment that qualify a person immediately for disability without further ado.
There is also a section for children, but you have to go up a webpage then click on the childhood (part b) link.
Social Security Program Rules Home Page. Very interesting, includes links to things like current program rules including the law; regulations, commissioner rulings, and employee operating instructions.
Social Security Online - Regulations
"How Do We Decide if You are Disabled?" from the SSA Disability Redbook
Social Security Online - The Red Book