

New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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Tell me I am NOT the only one on it today? :pissed:
I am done last week whew :) .. I am sure other ladies got that today :lol: .. I know I hate it but it worth for new babies lol :lol:
me finished tuesday!!!!!!!!!!! i had it last wed last week and finished tuesday i'm t hrilled hate being on PMS!
SherryCherish said:
just done last week just only one day.. due from birth control affects.
Ohh the wonders of birthcontrol i started 2 years ago and mine only lasts 2-3 days and i'm just starting to get pms.. Guys beware lol what is everyone elses pms like like how do you get?

Isn't this TMI=Too much information. I rather not to know who's on it. :giggle:

This is like asking someone for jumbo pads, or tampons when someone is out. :rofl:
Cheri said:

Isn't this TMI=Too much information. I rather not to know who's on it. :giggle:

This is like asking someone for jumbo pads, or tampons when someone is out. :rofl:

Thought you were open-minded???
RebelGirl said:
Thought you were open-minded???

Not on that subject. I still get embarrassed when I shop for pads and tampons. I run in the store grab whatever it is on the shelf and hide it under my other stuff, when getting to the counter, I put that up on the counter last. :Oops: I don't want men cashiers/customers to know that I'm on my time of the month program. :whistle:
ummm.. I'm seeing that some women disclose their special days here.... an admission thread :rofl:
LOL I am not it's a natural thing.
I accept it. However the pain, ain't so natural to me.
Hub even goes in and buys my "equipment" he calls it.
LOL, and the one time he bought the wrong kind..he went
back and got me the ones I wanted.
He is NOT embarrassed at all.
Heart2Sign said:
Hub even goes in and buys my "equipment" he calls it.
LOL, and the one time he bought the wrong kind..he went
back and got me the ones I wanted.
He is NOT embarrassed at all.

You're lucky, My son refused, I told him once, when I drove him to CVS, I told him I could let him buy those trading cards, if he can run by the pads and tampons area and grab me a bag, and he looked at me like :ugh: and said, "anything else but that!" Which meaning he refused to get it for me. :giggle:
Cheri said:
Not on that subject. I still get embarrassed when I shop for pads and tampons. I run in the store grab whatever it is on the shelf and hide it under my other stuff, when getting to the counter, I put that up on the counter last. :Oops: I don't want men cashiers/customers to know that I'm on my time of the month program. :whistle:

:rofl: I would wave the tampon box up in the air in the store in front of my friends!! I used to be embarrassed but after I had the baby.. I realized that men do know why we have our periods is to make a baby. So, I'll just wave the tampons around and embarrass my other friends :giggle:
Funny Cheri and RebelGirl... :giggle:

I had it at 2 weeks ago...

Yeah my boys know I had it... *strugg* Oh yeah I bought pad at store... *strugg*
Liebling:-))) said:
.Yeah my boys know I had it... *strugg*

Oh really? What did they do? Hop around the house and start singing?> "Mommy is on her p-e-r-i-o-d, Mommy is on her period, it's red, nasty and bloody, When mommy is on her period, she gets so moodyyyy"

Cheri said:
Oh really? What did they do? Hop around the house and start singing?> "Mommy is on her p-e-r-i-o-d, Mommy is on her period, it's red, nasty and bloody, When mommy is on her period, she gets so moodyyyy"



Mods.. move it to Adult section. thanks

why? its personal.. why must tell world that you have pms..

we all women have it or with it..