I know this is really long, please read it though, I need help. So me and my boyfriend (both hearing) are in our sophomore year of high school. Yes, I know we're young, but we've been together for 2 years. As in any relationship, we've had our ups and downs, and I guess you could say we're pretty serious for a couple of our age. We were together for about a year and a half and then broke up due to space issues. And then 2 months later, after we were both in other relationships he contacted me because he was very jealous of my new boyfriend. Then me and him were talking and pretty much dating, just not officially for a couple months, and then got back together officially this January. Things were great! My boyfriend was never one of those mushy ones, but he was constantly telling me how he felt about me and saying all that cute stuff. Though, April rolled around, (around our 2 year anniversary) and things just started to change when it came to May. He stopped saying cute things and just seemed to stop trying. I knew something was up, he would just never tell me. He stopped saying cute things, he didn't pay as much attention to me. Then this past Friday, we were texting and I asked him if everything was okay between us. He said yeah haha we need to talk later I've been feeling weird. Now as any girl would, I assumed the worst and asked if he was breaking up with me. Later to find out, he wasn't planning on breaking up with me, just wanted to talk and see what was up with us lately. Everytime we hung out, he had a good time, but afterwards he always had this feeling in his mind. This feeling that we weren't gonna last and he didn't know his feelings. Though what I said got him thinking and he ended up coming to the conclusion that breaking up was probably best for us. There was no changing his mind this time. Now given, he's been under a good amount of stress lately, he recently got a new job and has been working late hours, one of his friends is living with him now, and he's been under much stress. We ended up talking the next day and his mom was talking to us. She said she thought we should become really good friends for a while and try it again later. And that sounds like a really good idea to me because we were never friends before we started dating. Therefore, everything was serious, it was always our relationship on the line. Therefore, I thought that was a good conclusion so everything could loosen up a bit. And I think it might work and we both agreed not to see or hook up with anyone else. But I just don't wanna get hurt. I mean, I don't want him to get over his feelings for me (which I doubt he will because he didn't last time). I don't WANT to get over him, I wanna try things again. I feel like this feeling was just a little of doubt, he tried to fight this feeling but it wouldn't go away. And things have been okay as friends, I mean I can't complain. We still talk a lot and we talked about when we're alone maybe like putting his arm around me, maybe kissing and stuff, but I don't know. I asked him if we were broken up permanently or just taking a break until he gets over this feeling and he said he doesn't know because he doesn't know what he wants right now. I don't want to get back together right away, but I want to be together knowing he isn't gonna leave. Any advice on what to say or do? Please help!