Please help our research project


New Member
May 18, 2013
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As part of a university project my team and I are trying to design a new fire alarm for the deaf community. We really hope to make these alarms more efficient, useful and stylish. We also hope to combine numerous alarms into one alarm for use everywhere.

If you wouldn't mind helping us please complete this very short survey.

SoundScape - Hearing Aid SurveySoundScape - Hearing Aid Survey

Thank you for all your help.
Efficient and useful strobe fire alarms are already in place everywhere.
Gotta,click the link. Good idea to blink various alarms to a wristband. Liked the survey too, fast. And clickable. Not like some surveys you see where youb have to write a bio
Stoke light fire alarms are very useful, the idea of this though is that it is a personal fire alarm that would work inside and outside the house. A single device that would act as a personal fire alarm wherever you were, and mean you only ever needed one device.
Unless it's the kind of thing that could be worked into existing gear, like a cell phone, tablet, laptop or some of the accessories to a hearing aid, not sure how viable such a product would be. I know people who carry around 2 or 3 of those regularly, and it's enough electronics to haul around already.
There's already something called Deaf Guard that works anywhere.