
Kool Hooded Guy

New Member
May 23, 2009
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Hi, everybody!

Eveyrbody: Hi, Kool Hooded Guy!

Um, hello....heh heh....

Uh, hi there. Well, unlike many of the people of this peaceful messageboard, I am not deaf, and I show no signs of least....I don't think so.

But, I do have a question....or questions.

You see, when I was a child, I often played with my older brother, who was much more violent and bigger than me (which is funny, since now I'm bigger than him. He's 22 and 5'7, I'm 16 and 6'0, ha ha XD), and sometimes, but not frequently, he'd punch my ear, when he did, it was often my left. I would feel it get really swollen and I'd hear the infamous "ringing sound" for a brief moment.

And now for a sad moment. My parents often fought when I was little, and my mother especially, would often bring me into it, and my parents would often fight for hours on end, yes, that meant yelling. I don't know if that damaged my hearing, but it was loud. I would often leave the room, though.

And just last year, I listened to my ipod a lot. Not for long hours, but very often. I only blasted it all the way when I was running like crazy on a treadmill, but only for about five minutes or so.

Early this year, I read about tinnitus, and I got really scared, so I threw away my ipod. Crazy yes, but I love my hearing. And ever since then, I've listened to things at lower volumes, and I've stopped all loud noises.

I've taken hearing tests online, some by official audiologists, and they claim my hearing is fine. And that's great news.

But I don't know if all those years of noise have damaged my hearing. I don't know if I'll get tinnitus in the future, but I feel fine now.

And I've stopped. My dad says it's great that I've taken all these precautions, but he says I'm also being a bit paranoid. Which, maybe I am.

Tell me, if I'm acting safe now, will this save my hearing for later?

Sorry for ranting. It's a nasty habit.:dunno:
as long as you take every precautionary measures for your hearing, you'll be fine.
Hi, everybody!

Eveyrbody: Hi, Kool Hooded Guy!

Um, hello....heh heh....

Uh, hi there. Well, unlike many of the people of this peaceful messageboard, I am not deaf, and I show no signs of least....I don't think so.

But, I do have a question....or questions.

You see, when I was a child, I often played with my older brother, who was much more violent and bigger than me (which is funny, since now I'm bigger than him. He's 22 and 5'7, I'm 16 and 6'0, ha ha XD), and sometimes, but not frequently, he'd punch my ear, when he did, it was often my left. I would feel it get really swollen and I'd hear the infamous "ringing sound" for a brief moment.

And now for a sad moment. My parents often fought when I was little, and my mother especially, would often bring me into it, and my parents would often fight for hours on end, yes, that meant yelling. I don't know if that damaged my hearing, but it was loud. I would often leave the room, though.

And just last year, I listened to my ipod a lot. Not for long hours, but very often. I only blasted it all the way when I was running like crazy on a treadmill, but only for about five minutes or so.

Early this year, I read about tinnitus, and I got really scared, so I threw away my ipod. Crazy yes, but I love my hearing. And ever since then, I've listened to things at lower volumes, and I've stopped all loud noises.

I've taken hearing tests online, some by official audiologists, and they claim my hearing is fine. And that's great news.

But I don't know if all those years of noise have damaged my hearing. I don't know if I'll get tinnitus in the future, but I feel fine now.

And I've stopped. My dad says it's great that I've taken all these precautions, but he says I'm also being a bit paranoid. Which, maybe I am.

Tell me, if I'm acting safe now, will this save my hearing for later?

Sorry for ranting. It's a nasty habit.:dunno:

You should see an audiologist , some places will give you a hearing test for free. Or talk to your doctor about the noise and your concerns about your hearing. An audiologist would able to answer your questions better than anyone here.
but you will lose your hearing gradually as you age, so if geriatric hearing loss runs in your family, there's a chance you will need HAs when your older, but that's not for many many years. I would sit back and relax, take a chill pill and not waste your youth worrying.
but you will lose your hearing gradually as you age, so if geriatric hearing loss runs in your family, there's a chance you will need HAs when your older, but that's not for many many years. I would sit back and relax, take a chill pill and not waste your youth worrying.

Thanks. =)

Genetic hearing loss does NOT run in my family, actually. So, I guess I'm safe for now.

The only guy in family who is deaf is my great uncle, but the poor guy caught a disease when he was only a child, so it made him go deaf. =/
Thanks. =)

The only guy in family who is deaf is my great uncle, but the poor guy caught a disease when he was only a child, so it made him go deaf. =/

Poor guy caught a disease when he was only a deaf? Why poor guy? I got a disease that made me a deaf when I was a child. We are doing really fine.

As for your hearing test, prehap it would be better for you to go to audiologist to have your hearing check. My husband lost some hearing from his job and he is somewhat hoh. He took some hearing test at work and found out. It does not bother him at all.
Poor guy caught a disease when he was only a deaf? Why poor guy? I got a disease that made me a deaf when I was a child. We are doing really fine.

He also lost his ability to speak, and it made him slightly mentally challenged. He can speak with sign language....but still. :tears:
I think that you will be fine. You are just being paranoid like your dad says. I am a fairly paranoid person myself... it's not a very good quality to possess. I am hard of hearing to no fault of my own. I have been HOH since birth. HOH = not completely deaf. I've never known anything different.

PS: I know this is completely irrelevent, but lose the commas. LOLOLOL. :lol:
Sorry, I just saw all of them and I kept wanting to edit it. I'm a nerd, I know. :P
I'm sure your hearing is fine, but the only way to really know is have a hearing test conducted by an audiologist, not online but in person. It won't hurt, I promise! Then you won't have to worry about 'what if'.

You sound very anxious. I have a lot of problems with anxiety and worry, so I can understand. This website might be able to help you Living Life To The Full
apologies if I'm making assumptions, but I use this site and it has helped me. I consider myself to be more paranoid than the average bear, and I feel it is linked to anxiety and worry.
He also lost his ability to speak, and it made him slightly mentally challenged. He can speak with sign language....but still. :tears:

Losing one's ability to speak makes one mentally challenged? I doubt that very much. If he is mentally challenged, it is due to other factors, not to deafness. I have been deaf since birth and I am fine just like many other deaf people are.
I think he's just saying the illness resulted in three things - mental issues, hearing loss, and loss of speech - and not that being deaf or mute (is this still a pc term?) makes one mentally challenged. Or maybe I'm wrong and he is saying that.

I wouldn't worry too much about your hearing or developing hearing problems. Most people lose a small amount of hearing as they age which is perfectly normal. Like, you may notice that you hear small, high pitched noises that your parents can't - like the tv humming or lamps buzzing. I think it's healthy to avoid certain situations - like loud concerts- or to just take some little precautions when you do attend to protect your ears.
Incidentally, I have a friend who is always researching diseases and maladies on the internet and he gets so worried that he has lupus, or hepatitis, or lymphoma that he makes himself sick with worry. Maybe don't spend so much time researching stuff on the internet :)
You will be fine as from what your saying...thou however, you WILL lose your hearing as you get older. Happens to everyone. Part of life, I guess.
Speak to your physician about your anxiety. It sounds like you have a lot of anxiety. There are treatments for anxiety, including therapy and medication. Good luck!