please help i think crazy glue messed up my hearing aid.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Last. Week. My hearing aid cracked and broke off from the hearing aid mold so I got some crazy glue.and it worked for about. A day now I can't. Hear anything. Its my only good ear I can use a aids for my loss sever profound I need new tubing and mold?
Last. Week. My hearing aid cracked and broke off from the hearing aid mold so I got some crazy glue.and it worked for about. A day now I can't. Hear anything. Its my only good ear I can use a aids for my loss sever profound I need new tubing and mold?

you shouldn't really use crazy glue for that so yes you do need a new tubing. if crazy glue ruined your ear mold, then yes you do need a new one.

see your hearing aid technician.
I thought so man..that sucks so much money go into keeping. The hearing aid ..working right. I just hope I didn't. Damage it.never again. Will I use crazy glue ..
Best thing I ever did was order a pack of 10 new tubes on the 'net for about $20 or something, and whenever my tubes got really hard I just yanked 'em out. Lasted a few years. Gotta be careful of where the tube meets the HA's hook, you can break the hook.

Where exactly did you apply the glue?
Best thing I ever did was order a pack of 10 new tubes on the 'net for about $20 or something, and whenever my tubes got really hard I just yanked 'em out. Lasted a few years. Gotta be careful of where the tube meets the HA's hook, you can break the hook.

Where exactly did you apply the glue?

Right where the mold and tube is at the base where it connects. I'm thinking I put to much glue.
Right where the mold and tube is at the base where it connects. I'm thinking I put to much glue.

yea that's what I was thinking. I've heard of this same story several times :lol:

this time... do what green427 does - buy a bunch of tubes and fix it yourself if your tube is getting harder. very easy and quick to fix. 5 minutes.
Sounds to me like the glue might have melted the tubing, just go to your audi office and ask them to replace it, my audi does it for free
also see if you can get spare tubes from your audie's office.. some audies will give out tubes as part of the hearing aid maintenance. I can usually get a few from my audie's office if I ask for them, usually like 2 or 3 at a time but it's enough to keep me going for a while.
Sounds to me like the glue might have melted the tubing, just go to your audi office and ask them to replace it, my audi does it for free

that's possible but crazy glue makes tube very stiff and brittle so tube will easily break.
I'd like to try getting some colored tubes, but they don't have those tube locks on them... and I quite like having that little tube lock thingy to keep the tube in the earmold better. Ahh maybe I'll try some colored ones anyway. hmm.

the little tube lock thingy = it's metal tube lock, right?

well mine's generally a small plastic ring around the tube for the tube lock, I've never had a metal tube lock.
I wouldn't use super glue. I have a supply of ready-to-replace tubing for whenever is needed. Works like a charm. I think glue will make a tube brittle or hardened and will break easily, causing feedback.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Unfortunately, its also possible that the super glue seeped past the cover onto the inner components itself. If this has happened it may have damaged or short circuited the actual hearing aid itself - causing permenant damage (and because you used superglue and warrenty / insurance coverage etc will be void)
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Unfortunately, its also possible that the super glue seeped past the cover onto the inner components itself. If this has happened it may have damaged or short circuited the actual hearing aid itself - causing permenant damage (and because you used superglue and warrenty / insurance coverage etc will be void)

The OP put glue on the mold where the tube is connected, so I don't think she got any on the aid itself.
I find that after about a year the tubing keeps coming out of my ear moulds. I've been tempted to use glue to stick them in again, but never have. It's usually a sign that the moulds need replacing, soft moulds tend to shrink after a time and the hole which the tubing goes down just becomes too wide.
I have an appointment. June 4 I think I have to pay but we will we see.shouldn' I be able to hear other then beeps. And i bearly hear those I'm scared. I messed. Up we will see.