Play Lottery!!!


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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Hey I got a Tennessee Lottery Paper to fill....

Somebody pick 5 numbers from 1 to 55

And pick one number from 1 to 42 for powerball.

And I'll let you know if I win anything.

I might share my million dollars with you. :angel:

so...wasting alot of money to get lottery would beat SSI, eh?

oooookay, good luck.
Yeah, um... maybe I should use my SSI money and buy $500 worth of Lottery Tickets...

And I might win... huh?
:roll: , hey miss p why are you being so negatives!! are those usa people pay their's tax to pay your SSI eh , look now who is more greedy .. :nono: tsk tsk ..
I just wanna live in a simple life.
I hate getting up every morning
and get ready for work.
And then drive out there, and a slow poke driver
being in front of you,, me fighting traffic,
and then I have get out my car
and lock it, make sure nobody steal it.
And I have to pass by smokers, ewww, they smell so bad, stop smoking!!!
And enter the door.
And the building is so cold...
And you have to work, work, work....
And some co workers are gross...
and some men flirt with me, ewww.
And then it times to go home...
I have to exit out the building,
pass by smokers outside, I wish they stop smoking... bad odor.
Then I have to get in my car...
And then I have to drive back home...
Almost got hit by car...
Ignoring gas station, don't care if my car need gas or not, because gas price is too high.
And um... then I come home... and greeted by puppy :D
And sit down and don't feel like taking a shower or change clothes.
Just wanna take a nap.
But mom nagging at me...

Is there anyway to have a simple life. :ugh:
If I win lottery..
would be nice have buy a country house (big ones)
Little Travel around the world
Giving away my kids' needy their bedroom only.. :D
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I just wanna live in a simple life.
I hate getting up every morning
and get ready for work.
And then drive out there, and a slow poke driver
being in front of you,, me fighting traffic,
and then I have get out my car
and lock it, make sure nobody steal it.
And I have to pass by smokers, ewww, they smell so bad, stop smoking!!!
And enter the door.
And the building is so cold...
And you have to work, work, work....
And some co workers are gross...
and some men flirt with me, ewww.
And then it times to go home...
I have to exit out the building,
pass by smokers outside, I wish they stop smoking... bad odor.
Then I have to get in my car...
And then I have to drive back home...
Almost got hit by car...
Ignoring gas station, don't care if my car need gas or not, because gas price is too high.
And um... then I come home... and greeted by puppy :D
And sit down and don't feel like taking a shower or change clothes.
Just wanna take a nap.
But mom nagging at me...

Is there anyway to have a simple life. :ugh:

how about this one?

They just wanna live in a simple life.
They hate getting up every morning
and get ready for work.
And then drive out there, and a slow poke driver
being in front of Miss P, them fighting traffic,
and then they have get out their car
and lock it, make sure nobody steal it.
And they have to pass by Miss P, ewww, she smell so bad, stop stinking up!!!
And enter the door.
And the building is so cold...
And they have to work, work, work....
And some co workers are gross...
and Miss P flirt with them, ewww.
And then it times to go home...
They have to exit out the building,
pass by Miss P outside, they wish she stop stinking up... bad odor.
Then they have to get in their car...
And then they have to drive back home...
Almost got hit by car...
Ignoring gas station, don't care if their car need gas or not, because gas price is too high.
And um... then they come home... and greeted by puppy
And sit down and don't feel like taking a shower or change clothes.
Just wanna take a nap.
But Miss P nagging at them...

Is there anyway to have a simple life.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I just wanna live in a simple life.
I hate getting up every morning
and get ready for work.
And then drive out there, and a slow poke driver
being in front of you,, me fighting traffic,
and then I have get out my car
and lock it, make sure nobody steal it.
And I have to pass by smokers, ewww, they smell so bad, stop smoking!!!
And enter the door.
And the building is so cold...
And you have to work, work, work....
And some co workers are gross...
and some men flirt with me, ewww.
And then it times to go home...
I have to exit out the building,
pass by smokers outside, I wish they stop smoking... bad odor.
Then I have to get in my car...
And then I have to drive back home...
Almost got hit by car...
Ignoring gas station, don't care if my car need gas or not, because gas price is too high.
And um... then I come home... and greeted by puppy :D
And sit down and don't feel like taking a shower or change clothes.
Just wanna take a nap.
But mom nagging at me...

Is there anyway to have a simple life. :ugh:

you just lazy idle .
how about

oh life is so simple
I love getting up every noon
and get ready for work.
And then have a trolley just outside my door
to pick me up,, then
it will drop me off at work
Outside is so fresh, beautiful flower bushes, smell nice
And a handsome guy open the door for me
and I enter in
the building not so cold and not so hot, just right...
And I can work, work, work....
and have pretty co workers....
and some cute men flirt with me, awwww.
And then it times to go home...
oh I hate to come home... maybe I just pick one of the cute guys
and take him home with me
I have to exit out the building,
and nice gentleman open the door for me
Oh ahhh outside smell so fresh, la la la la, flower bushes
Then ride in the cute guy's lexus
And have him take me home
Then we have SERVICE gas station, and have service man
to pump gas for me
And um... then I come home... and greeted by puppy :D
And sit down with nice cute guy and we both take good hot shower
and be naked, and bam bam bam in bed all day
then we take a nap.
And thank goodness mom is gone off vacation for 2 years.

Oh life is so simple :angel:

There is an old saying that the money will not give a person the happiness nor love. The winning will cause the family to be destroyed and a person will lose all friends.

My uncle once told me a story:

A person who win the million dollars in lottery, he thought he got all the wishes to come true for him. Or did he thought so, he becomes a greedy old soul who becomes a penny pincher worse than he was before. His children beg him for some cash so they can buy some clothes, he refuses, thus the children still wear hand-me down clothes. His wife begs him to give her money to buy foods so needed to fill the refrigerator. He only gave her $50 twice a month which is NOT enough for the family of 5. His wife is deperately to get him to open up his eyes and see what the winning did to him. He does not listen.

So his wife files for the divorce and seeks only how much she feels is necessary to last her and her children on the fortunes. She's wiser than him. He still have money left over and still lavish himself with fancy clothes, fast cars, and friends. But something went awry. He spends too much money on gambling, he lost several thousands. He thought it doesn't hurt him because he's still wealthy. The more he spend, the money kept on draining from his checking account. And the gambling was over.

He was flat-broke. His friends found what he is to them. They dumped him. He becomes a flat-broke hobo. No money on him. He lost the house and the fancy cars to pay off the gambling debt. Where is his wife and children? They're in another state enjoying, saving, and not acting greedy like him. Just like the regular middle-class family they live in style. He comes up to the door, she won't answer the door. Funny, she calls the cops on him. He begs and begs for forgiveness. While he's in jail, she decides to drop by, she hands him a small, red bible book and said read it and do know what it said in the book. He is shaking and nervous. Winning in any gambling can cost a person's soul.

Looks at him, he's nervous, scared, jumping, and paranoid. He's not a normal man he once was. Once he reads the tiny book in his hands, the tears swelled up in his eyes and cried. He lost a family and friends. How will he get back to his family and learn? He does. He went back and asked for forgiveness, she forgave him. They remarried later on. He learns to work only and not ask his wife for any money she won from the court settlement unless if there is an emergency, she will give him some to pay off but not the gambling debts.
I won't gamble my money away.

And I believe I will have a lot of friends...
because I have none now.

And I wish to create job for everyone...

I won't give money away, they have to work for me.
For example, if children beg me money, I'll tell them to cut grass
first and then I will pay them allowances.

That what I will do.

But my preacher said Money$$$ always in the wrong hand
of bad people. He said the Devil made sure we good people
don't get any money, because he knows we will help other people.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I won't gamble my money away.

And I believe I will have a lot of friends...
because I have none now.

And I wish to create job for everyone...

I won't give money away, they have to work for me.
For example, if children beg me money, I'll tell them to cut grass
first and then I will pay them allowances.

That what I will do.

But my preacher said Money$$$ always in the wrong hand
of bad people. He said the Devil made sure we good people
don't get any money, because he knows we will help other people.

er, no offense but are you living in some kind of ghetto-style neighborhood or something?

I absloutely have nothing against black people, but sometimes I dont get along with people who are so ghetto and I dont like that. sorry.

just seems that people who are so ghetto are somewhat close minded and ignorant and just stay angry all the time about not being treated fairly due to skin color or money struggling or whatever like that. if you tell a ghetto person that you can't drive him/her anywhere anymore due to car damage or whatever, they would say something like you have serious issues and you are useless and shit so they just shut the door on you and never speak to you again when they didnt even get the part about their car being damaged, etc... or when someone try to tell you a joke they just push you and tell you to shut up and sit down, etc...I know not every black person are like that, and I know alot of black girls are like that and to be honest, I dont think those ghetto people are as mature as I think they would be.

I love black girls and I always would, but I dont like girls who are ghetto cause they act selfish and self centered and all so, definetly not my taste.

and the way your preacher said something...even if he's black then I feel sorry for him because it sounds like he's angry all the time too...proably being racist against whites when we didnt even do anything to him this century!

Martin Luther King died for you ALL blacks to give freedom and rights. much like Jesus Christ died for all our sins and let us go to Heaven someday.

You have to stop being so angry all the time and being pititful about money, life, and the way you are living...and if you dont do anything about it, it's still goin to be the same. so that's not my problem and not any of my business.

It's your business, your life and the way you want things to be so if you like it the way they are, even though you bitch and whine about it, then be it cause I'm sick of it and dont care anymore.

I'm not saying that because I'm racist and I'm definetly not racist at all.

I'm saying that cause you are so damned ANNOYING! as annoying as RS ever was.
Oh geesh, Where that number of my pharmacist? I need 12 cases of Tylenol's. (I'll make that extra-strength tylenol.) :|
ghetto??? I don't know anything about ghetto. To me it is a myth.

I don't know any ghetto where I live.

I live in Olive Branch, Mississippi, a middle class white folks neighborhood.

I used to live in Memphis, Tn, a middle class black folks neighborhood.

oh you mean, the poor black neighborhood???
The people from poor black neighborhood ain't bad.
Just keep a straight face, treat them the way you want them to treat you.
Just give them respect.

They can be your best friends in the whole world....

My opinion, I think poor black people are more friendier than middle class black people.

If you become a teacher and go to all black High School,
most black students want guidance to get out of the poor neighborhood.

my cousin Michael, a middle class guy, he joined gangs...
it is his choice, he thinks it is so cool to be bad. He turned
down many opportunties... all his middle class Aunts were
willing to help him to go to college. But he doesn't want to,
he rather robbed his ex girlfriends' money, and now
he is in prison for life.

Don't sterotype me and all blacks like that....
Everybody different.
Cheri said:
Oh geesh, Where that number of my pharmacist? I need 12 cases of Tylenol's. (I'll make that extra-strength tylenol.) :|

Don't forget to tell the pharmacist you want em Oreo-sized. :laugh2: