

Active Member
May 26, 2006
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I was so pissed off 2nite...I went to the store..and the lady was asking me for help and she kept on calling me and asking me for help and saying hello and i didnt hear her very well/thought she was talking to someone else and she finally came right up to me and was like UH HELLO!:pissed: ..like wtf Sorry if i didnt hear you...and then she was rude, and then gave me the wrong product to buy!!! Like you don't have to be ignorant..specially in a customer service job...:rl:
sorry that happened to you. Happened to me once, and I am hearing lol. I dont remember if it was a bad day with my tinnitus or what but the woman was a complete biotch.

She asked me if I was HEARING IMPAIRED. I was pissed off. I told er that term was not polite and she glared at me, I said, its deaf or HOH. Not HI.

after she finished helping me I asked for a manager because she was SO rude.

If it happens again,.. ask for a manager. There is no reason why you should have been treated like that.
sorry that happened to you. Happened to me once, and I am hearing lol. I dont remember if it was a bad day with my tinnitus or what but the woman was a complete biotch.

She asked me if I was HEARING IMPAIRED. I was pissed off. I told er that term was not polite and she glared at me, I said, its deaf or HOH. Not HI.

after she finished helping me I asked for a manager because she was SO rude.

If it happens again,.. ask for a manager. There is no reason why you should have been treated like that.

:confused: U are hearing? I thought u were deaf with CIs?
either way it was still rude of the woman to call you hearing impaired in a derogatory manner.

I am HOH/deaf and I get pissed to when someone says "Are you deaf or dumb or both?" Its not that I am dumb its the fact that I cannot hear normally and there fore I miss information that needs to be repeated sometimes so that I can complete my task or fully hear what you are asking.
You are not the first person to think I am deaf, :) I am hearing,... can I still stay on the board :giggle: :fingersx:

I mistook u for another poster who has a similar user name like yours. Of course, u still can stay. LOL! :giggle:
Let's kill the bytch. Meet here at midnite.
The term Hearing Impaired does not bother me.
mine is impaired...so what.
just means I've learned not to assume things in other people....as many do. Makes me a better person.......
the old expresion....walk in the other person's shoes before you assume......seems noone ddoes that anymore these days.
There are a lot of mentally challenged people out there.....we can be rude to them when we act rash. Being hearing impaired let's me not assume first like if impatient. You can't always spot them.
The gray areas in life. We are all humans.
Today I had to deal with some stupid cashier who was too illiterate to be able to read the sign behind her. The sign had the name of the product. :pissed:

I thought I had mispronunced the name of a product that I wanted so I wrote it down. They were like no they didn't have what I wanted and then after a bit of pointing they found what I wanted.

So I went home and looked up the word on the online dictionary so I could listen to the pronouncement of the word. It seems I did pronounce it correctly after all. I can't believe this hearing person didn't know the word. :P This is the second time I've had to deal with illiterate cashiers in less than 2 months.