

New Member
Jul 15, 2003
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Pinkster had her computer crash today... Sadly, she wont be able to message here except from work, or maybe if she's nice to me i'll let her use my computer ;-) So, everyone message her and give her something to read when she gets back :)
Fly Free said:
awww Pinkster! :( hope ur compy gets better and SOON!!!!!!!!


Thats the plan, sounds like she needs a new copy of windows. When i was talking to her it looked like everything she could do not to cry about losing all of her data, but fear not, if everything else fails to get her computer better, i'll put her hd in mine, then burn all her data to cd's for her before we reinstall windows.
javapride said:
UR so Sweet megdalon! She would be forever grateful for u doing this!

Hell i'd be happy if she'd just kick out the bozo downstairs right now... Now if i could only get you to spell my name right :)
HEY dude I not mean to spell it wrong :( all i did was type it in and get a move on LOL! I ll just call u ladon! LMAO! NO serious case since ur a guy ur getting the dude award LOL! and be nice abt that guy pinkster's heart is shattered and doesn't know what to do just be pateince and BE NICE! :D things will come to its own terms soon... and for one he's not a bozo in my book he just in a distance that makes a relationship hard! no worries :)

Pinkster u have my thoughts and hopes ur puter comes back alive ASAP, and what's more, I have some of ur stuff with me SO just IM me if you ever need be ok?

Miss ya
how sweet :) I didnt think Bill wld make a post for me :P :ily: hehe..

Yes tho, i was about to cry because you dont just lose 2 and a half years of data and feel nothing. :)

Hopefully sometime this weekend I'll be able to sit down with Bill at my computer and go from there. Im sorely missing going online, but sometimes you just cant win it all.

Yes, I do have a deafwireless, but its open to only those who know me IRL or are close to me online :) Nonetheless, I have www access at work so that'll be fine for now.

Much love
Jams NO matter what U ll still always have someone to contact........... if its gets to the point and needing to communicate personal issues U can use ur pager and contact moi :) love u jamsie grrl! :ily:
:dance: hey Jams..

think happy!.. your computer will be fixed.. :)

Hurry back! hehe.. :ily:
As much as I miss posting and chatting online, i've no immediate desire to fix my computer anymore. Things are, how do I say, fustrating. Yes, that's the word. My sole motivation to fix my computer is so that my mom can use it to do her inventory reports for the deaf club. =/
oh no jams,
What have u done?

it only survive for 2 and half years.. how odd..

Well, my computer survived for more than 5 years mawahheiess!

anyway, hope ur computer gets fixed as soon as possible. smile :)

"think of happy thoughts so you can be able to fly :)" quote from movie Peter Pan :)

hope to see ya again sometime soon..

t care,
DeafSCUBA98 said:
oh no jams,
What have u done?

it only survive for 2 and half years.. how odd..

Well, my computer survived for more than 5 years mawahheiess!

anyway, hope ur computer gets fixed as soon as possible. smile :)

"think of happy thoughts so you can be able to fly :)" quote from movie Peter Pan :)

hope to see ya again sometime soon..

t care,

We don't know :)
Aww, Jams -- chin up! It's not the end of the world! ;) I"m pretty sure you can find a good deal/bargain on a good computer...soon as you are up to getting one.

TinyStrawberry said:
We don't know :)

aw... what kind of crash? smell burn? or so? taking it over to computer doctor?

there should be some free estimate in some companys.....

cheaper to fix than buy brand new computer.. or find a used computer?

want my computer for $1 ?
I am poor, I cannot afford to get a new computer, but like i said in my "attn all ad members" post, tomorrow we will see if i will be rescued from boredom :P
Yo Pinkster!!! I have wanted to say this for a long time.. you REALLY do look like Leah from the Real World Paris..ALOT! Hehe :D