Pink eye treatment?


New Member
Apr 27, 2006
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My right eye has been irritating me all day, and I suspect that it is conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye. My eye is making my life miserable, and I'm going to see my physician tomorrow, but any tips until then? No, I don't have eye drops.
My right eye has been irritating me all day, and I suspect that it is conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye. My eye is making my life miserable, and I'm going to see my physician tomorrow, but any tips until then? No, I don't have eye drops.

The only suggestion I can think of at the moment is: don't touch it and continously wash your hands thoroughly--whether or not you knew this, but it is also contagious as well.

Your physican will prescribe you with some meds and soon you'll be out of the itchy mode. ;)
Try putting a warm teabag onto your infected eye. It may help ease it.
RX for eye drop does the best trick. I had that few years ago! It is not FUN!!! ALL of us got it!!!
Yes, I would suggest you to take Banjo's advice. I often do that. no matter either warm or cold tea bags... It helps! Also sliced of cool cuccumber as well. Take 10 to 15 minutes...
I had that long time ago! Now, I know what to do is put hot handtowel on eyes for few minutes and use the medience in regular daily..... it will be solved.
ouch.. i never have it before *knock on wood* but try put tea bag on eyes and it will help
I'm no stranger to pink eye. I get bacterial pink eye often, because I'm around school aged children all the time.

Since you're already going to the doctor, I'll skip that advice. ;)

In additional to the advice of others, you may want to also stay out of direct sunlight and away from very bright lights until the infection passes. When I had pink eye, I could not tolerate the sun due to my eyes ( I had bilateral pink eye) being so irritated. Wear sunglasses if you can't avoid the sun. It will help.

Other than that, a wet cloth over the eyes will soothe the irritation. I used paper towels wet with cool water. That seemed to help me more than warm water, so do what helps you the most. Avoid things like the computer for a few days and anything else that will strain the eyes. I found that glare was hard on my overly sensitive eyes.

Beyond that, keep your hands clean!!! Bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious, and you can very easily infect your other eye. (that's how I got it bilaterally). Also, wash your bedding; especially your pillow cases, and also, anything that may come in contact with your eyes. (wash cloths, ect).

Feel better, soon! This shit won't kill ya, but it'll make you miserable. Incidently, w/ proper treatment the infection usually runs it's course in about three days.
Try buy eye visual drops.. to rid red eyes.... ?

or you might have allergy something cause your eye become itchy... ? try to see your family doctor.
Try buy eye visual drops.. to rid red eyes.... ?

or you might have allergy something cause your eye become itchy... ? try to see your family doctor.

He is GA! If he has pink eye, the doctor will prescribe drops for him. But, you're also not far off, either. There is a type of conjunctivitis caused by allergies. I've had that type, also... It's easier to treat, but it's a pain, too.

Pink eye is NO fun!
Not always comes from allergy, all my three children had a history of pink eye, the doctor told me it an infection cause by a virus and yes it is highly contagious.. what I was told to do was applied warm wash cloth to their eyes to remove any discharge and to wash our hands everytime we touch it and also an antibiotic drops will be needed to kill this infection and they did have ointment cream which I had to applied it above their eyes ...They weren't allow to go to school until it was gone, I think it took a couple of days or maybe a week for it to go away....

I hope you feel better, I don't know what it like to have one, but been through this experiences with all my three boys, and it was no fun watching them suffer.... :(
ouch! It must be hurt. I had pink many times. Must go to doctor. Because it is infection. I never forget that. Angel has good point.
Not always comes from allergy, all my three children had a history of pink eye, the doctor told me it an infection cause by a virus and yes it is highly contagious.. what I was told to do was applied warm wash cloth to their eyes to remove any discharge and to wash our hands everytime we touch it and also an antibiotic drops will be needed to kill this infection and they did have ointment cream which I had to applied it above their eyes ...They weren't allow to go to school until it was gone, I think it took a couple of days or maybe a week for it to go away....

I hope you feel better, I don't know what it like to have one, but been through this experiences with all my three boys, and it was no fun watching them suffer.... :(

That's true. There are three types... Bacterial, Viral and Allergy conjunctivitis.

I googled for more information:

Pink Eye - Conjunctivitis
Poor Guido.

You are a man now. :)

Hope it goes away within a day or so if you choose the eyedrops or washcloth... or TRY BOTH!

Just remember-- DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYES-- not even to rub. if you have to, use your back of hand-- since your palm/fingers are more prone to have dirts.

:-/ Poor, poor guido...
That's true. There are three types... Bacterial, Viral and Allergy conjunctivitis.

I googled for more information:

Pink Eye - Conjunctivitis

(eyes watering up)
that image of pinkeye is GROSS.
Beware, sensitive people.... the link she provided has an image inside that is an atypical close-up of a BAD case of pink-eye...

I almost can feel that person's pain with pink eyes... (rubbing her eyes with warm cloths!)

Why don't you take pic.. of your eye... show everyone... about your story telling..

btw, I'm sorry about your eye turn it out uglier pink.. Anything sumth'n wrong w/your eye coming from ?
Poor Guido.

You are a man now. :)

Hope it goes away within a day or so if you choose the eyedrops or washcloth... or TRY BOTH!

Just remember-- DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYES-- not even to rub. if you have to, use your back of hand-- since your palm/fingers are more prone to have dirts.

:-/ Poor, poor guido...

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(eyes watering up)
that image of pinkeye is GROSS.
Beware, sensitive people.... the link she provided has an image inside that is an atypical close-up of a BAD case of pink-eye...

I almost can feel that person's pain with pink eyes... (rubbing her eyes with warm cloths!)

Sorry! I guess I should have put a warning about possible graphic content. I'm not thinking clearly right now, so I'm sorry if I upset anyone with the link. Also, I have dealt with alot of medical things, so seeing something like that doesn't bother me.

I'm sorry if it bothers others, though. Wasn't my intention. :Oops: