pictures of flowers


Active Member
Jun 23, 2003
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Hi.. decide to add a stupid new thread about flowers....

this flower is taken by my garden at my house.... since i never planted them it just keeps growing annually on its own.. and i have no clue what kind of flower it is....


  • flower1.jpg
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I have one in my flower garden, I'll take a picture of it and post it in here....It one of my fave plant...
ya, we had that at the house's front yard few years ago, it pops out every year and it's a white lily, too.
right now we have hosta flowers, tiger lilies, those common prennium flowers, wildflowers (red indian blaket/daisies) and poppies.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
Hi.. decide to add a stupid new thread about flowers....

this flower is taken by my garden at my house.... since i never planted them it just keeps growing annually on its own.. and i have no clue what kind of flower it is....
:aw: DeafScuba, you took such a beautiful picture of your Tiger Lily, it expresses such peacefulness by itself.
:wiggle: A deaf man, who is a friend of mine, loves to plant flowers and has a beautiful flower bed in the front of his home, gave me bulbs of Irises. They just bloomed this past Spring, and they were absolutely beautiful!!! Very dark purple, some had white streaks in them. What is so sad is they die so quickly!!
DeafScuba, as same my friend's place has one those... extactly... which it's called Tiger Flower pretty looks so awesome.. I wish I could steal theirs... But I've already have..
And also My husband's compnay has lotsa of yellow and orange extactly describe like yours flower kinds... I'll take picture of that where my husband's work... (chuckles) I did asked my husband can you ask his company what kind those beautiful flower.. He refused ask.. He thinks I"m nuts! (scoffs) I really like this kind flower on my front yard garden.. Made me feel *shown off looks beautiful flowers bed* (chuckles)

Oh well... am I silly ? (chuckles)