pic of me n my kitty Tiny

I see you got a new kitten? He's so cuuute! I miss those kitten days because both of my cats are 10 years old now. :shock: Got them since college. :)
kittens n cats.. lol

hahaha i do still have funny face, turtle, and Tigger.. they all are male.. I dont have any female cat as my cat Patches died last feb.. she was 15 yrs old. I raised her on the bottle.. :( i miss her so much!!! wahhhh.. the wild cats i dont pet them as they will run off.. so they still hang around cuz of foods.. lol.. they do follow me everywhere, weird? anyway One of the wild cats name Allie (calico) at my moms house had babies 2 months ago.. Tiny is one of the kittens of Allie's. I adopted Tiny as she is so LITTLE compare to her brother and sister they r bigger than she is? so am gonna keep her. right now i have all together 14 cats at my moms.. feed them with one bag EVERY week.. dang.. so expensive.. lol.. i dont mind to as i love cats and dogs of course.. :) heheh.. :giggle:
Luckysmile23 said:

Your kitten looks like our kitten Menudo hes 3 months old, as you will find in the pet thread " new member in Nozobo and Oakley family" then u will see Menudo pics, right now hes being BRAT like his older brother Lucky
no no lol

:nono: :crazy: Nooooo u cant kidnap my kitty.. LOL shes mine!!!!! :giggle: :P

i got another pic of me and tiny.. finally uploaded as i got it from my bf .. his daughter aly took the pic of me with tiny.. :)

enjoy.. :)

awwww... ur cat is so cute. I wanna get a cat, but im really allergic, my nose will run, my eyes get puffy, and it feels like my forehead will explode. But I still want a cat!! :ugh:
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Lucky!!!! Glad to see ya in here! :dance2: Cute Kitten, by the way! :hug:
my sister has a cat......it bit me so i threw it over the stair balcony.
AJ said:
my sister has a cat......it bit me so i threw it over the stair balcony.
lol. my old friend & classmate, he always did that to his cat when he was young. It never bit him but he just liked to do that to his cat.
i miss have cats around ofc kittens

my old cat died last jan

i almost apdoted a homeless kitten but i had to return him to humane society cuz i am worried about his health
i am not ready to have pets yet cuz i am busy traveling between my home and calif
moonflower said:
i miss have cats around ofc kittens

my old cat died last jan

i almost apdoted a homeless kitten but i had to return him to humane society cuz i am worried about his health
i am not ready to have pets yet cuz i am busy traveling between my home and calif

oops forgot one thing
by the way CUTE kitten i can't image that kitten was small haha
yes she is so TINY.. so small compare to her brother and sister they are BIGGER than she is.. i thought she would grow but nope.. still so small.. hehe..

and aj.. u are mean to throw the cat over the balcony.. poor cat.. :(

im allergic to cats n kittens but that doesnt stop me from keeping cats n kittens as my pets.. LOL.. sniffing, sneezing, blowing my nose and all that.. im going thru allergies fit now.. ughh.. not know if its tiny or weeds (not pot) or dusts around here at my bf's house.. lol.. or maybe im not used to wyoming's weather? I am here on vacation.. Arkansas's weather is so humid compare to here so DRY!!!! I dunno, really? :(